Seamless Smart Home Interface
What do you think about this nice controller i found at kickstarter.
whoever tells you integration will be seamless is trying to sell you something
I believe that it will be seamless only with their sensors/actuators... I had ninjablock, which is similar (not that much, as its supposed to use generic 433mhz devices) and is now a pile of junk as they basically dropped support of it to move to their other project. never again! the beauty of mysensors is that you are not bound to any HA software, or any sensors maker. and you have full control of what your sensors are doing and how they are doing it. yes, we are control freaks
looks very nice!
I came across this particular home automation site called kickstarter. They provide security, audio manager, QI wireless charger, power management, compatible with ios, windows and android and all in one hub. Do check it out..looks like a promising one.
Seems like a big hammer for a small nail.
- looks like its in line to be the next ninjasphere.
@Qu3Uk In the sense that they are going to go bankrupt and leave their customers hanging with unsupported hardware? May I point out that @Addison looks a bit dodgy? He joined in, posted this strange post almost right away and was never heard from again?
Yeah, probably a marketing person..
I was thinking more along the sense that really selling a hub to support a system just won't work. Smarthings have done it but I bet only because they got purchased by Samsung, I wouldn't be surprised if they are running at a loss. At least with Smartthings they are selling overpriced sensors for income.
Ninja looking back was always going to fail as the hardware sales couldn't support the software/maintenance. I think they said something like the servers were costing them like $4000 a month. May not sound a lot but I wonder what the cost per user was and if the user isn't paying you monthly... well its doesn't take a much to work out you'd run out of $$$...
Fingers crossed they'll rise up. There is still some life in Ninja I think.
Anywho, without Ninja I'd have never found MYS or at least not yet anyway.. Just need to decide on a controller though..
@Qu3Uk You are right... yes, they should have charged a small monthly fee... I really liked my Ninja other than the fact that it was cloud based and I always felt a bit reluctant to let the cloud reach into my network. Also 433mhz is problematic.
It is funny how many bright ideas goes into the rubbish bin because of people who can't do the math
I use domoticz. I tried openHAB and another 2 that I can't remember - they were all very hard to set up - openhab has a challenging learning curve, and that's an understatement
@Moshe-Livne Yeah it was going to be awesome, I've unplugged mine but not yet put it in the cupboard.
It was both local and cloud which was another good feature.
I'm using Domoticz but it just doesn't feel right. OpenHAB I'm staying away from, I installed and I know I should learn it but yeah.. I like HomeGenie but it doesn't support MYS 100% thinking I may help that once I've got a network up.
@Qu3Uk mine was picrust, so the rpi was recycled into runeaudio music player and the crust was given as a present to a friend....
I tried HomeGenie and it was nice but.... It didn't work well with z-wave (that I was using back then) and had stability problems (well, at least with z-wave).
Domoticz is far from being perfect. lots of things that would feel "natural" are missing in the UI, like drawers and all these fake switches are really awkward to keep track of. BUT... it works and its stable and scripting is very good.
@Moshe-Livne said:
@Qu3Uk mine was picrust, so the rpi was recycled into runeaudio music player and the crust was given as a present to a friend....
I tried HomeGenie and it was nice but.... It didn't work well with z-wave (that I was using back then) and had stability problems (well, at least with z-wave).
Domoticz is far from being perfect. lots of things that would feel "natural" are missing in the UI, like drawers and all these fake switches are really awkward to keep track of. BUT... it works and its stable and scripting is very good.How long ago was it that you tried HomeGenie? I'm wondering if it was long enough ago that it might have improved in a meaningful way since then. If it was recently, then probably not.
@NeverDie it was about a year ago
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