Help beginner with first project

  • Hi I want to accomplish one thing in my first project. I want a wall-switch to send an "intent" when toggled.

    The "intent" -bit is a bit unclear how it works for me but I do this today using tasker on android and it sends "something" like:

    Extra: UDN:01234567890
    Target: Broadcast Receiver

    I have set up an raspberry pi with Domoticz and I have a couple of "Arduino Pro Mini Compatible 5V" and one "arduino nano"

    What more parts do I need? I read somewhere that you coul use a Arduino nano + NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver for the gateway. Witch I connect using USB to the controller for serial comunication to Domoticz.

    Then I guess I only need a arduino mini + NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver +batteries to be placed inside the wall-switch. The wall-switch will be disconnected from the mains power. What kind of batteries would be best to use if I only want to send a notification to the gateway that the switch has been toggled using the NRF24L01+. I want as small batteries as possible but I want them to last for a year minimum.

    And if anyone wonders what I am doing I am trying to control my wemo-bulbs using a wemo-server on an android phone. But my girlfriend keeps hitting the switches and sabotaging for me. (Maybe because she have no interest or possibility control them any other way 🙂 )

  • Hmm I am trying to build the gateway using the Arduino nano + NRF24L01+ but according to the video I found I should use a 4.7 uF capacitator. I only have a couple of 330uF 16VDC. Would that work or do I need to order some new from ebay?

  • Admin

    Try the ones you have. Not exactly an exact science this...

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