Request for input: Driving 2 rgb stripes with 1 Arduino
I was thinking about a pcb that could drive 2 rgb stripes with 1 pro mini.
Options i was thinking about:1.) Using shift registers to generate the required pwm signals.
But this could possibly but a bit to much load on the arduino in combination with radio work.2.) Use Pins D3, D5, D6, D9, D10 and D11 and soft-spi for the radio. But D5 and D6 are a little bit broken on Arduino...
Any more ideas?
You could probably use a ws2801 driving a couple of FETs. Then you are down to 1 pin on the arduino for the control.
See this page for more info
Hm... yeah that looks nice.
Thanks @tbowmo
don't know if you are looking for something like this :
@scalz said:
don't know if you are looking for something like this :
" Arduino board that I done to drive adressable RGB Led strip "
No. But thanks for the link.tbowmo hit the point. A way to drive 6-PWM-Channels from the arduino pro mini / 328p.
The ws2801 seems to fit great. The price on low volume i found (0,29β¬ per ic) also sounds okay.
@Oitzu : cool
yep I should have read tbowmo link, lol! I am reading it now. indeed it seems interesting.
I will look at what you will do
Wish that I was allowed to use RGB leds in the house, so I would have a purpose of building a LED strip controller... But the wife is saying NO! to colorful lights
@tbowmo i've done this and girlfriend loves it:
Mabe you can convince your wife with this?
@Oitzu, that looks familiar, Ikea right