SI7021 boards
I found this compact board:
I plan to combine this with a narrow board:
Spares me the grief of trying to solder the SI7021 chip itself.
Time to make an EAGLE library part
I'm using those HTU21D breakout boards, work like a charm.
If you've finished the design I will order some boards too!
@TimO said:
I also like the HTU21D boards, but I prefer the really small SI7021.
I was wondering which other options there are.
I also use a breakout board with power converters on it:
So the question is, are there any other small options ?
@GertSanders Where did you find it?
@m26872 I found both SI7021 on
@GertSanders Link?
Not SI7021 directly, but there are a lot of small sized I2C sensors.
I use a BME280 board on my gateway and on a node.
I also use a BH1750 (slightly bigger) outside to track plants sun exposure.If you end up with a design where the I2C bus is included I can definitively see a lot of uses for it!
Another off-topic.. I use these bmp180 boards to power the low power nodes from a 4.1 volt rechargeable Li cell. The LDO is broken out on the connection
Without LDO, but with pull up resistors (smallest board I could find):
@GertSanders and @AWI Thanks!
Your plan is it to change your narrow board with SDL/SDA pad. maybe a jumper to change D2/D3 pin to SDL/SDA?
It`s a mess that the pinout of both modules is different.
@Carl-H it's a possibility. No plans yet, other projects ongoing.
I just received some si7021 boards from china. They are with LDO and level shifter, similar to
(the original offer went offline, it was from a reseller named "home boutique", no idea why they sold this item)
If I use them with a battery node, is it sufficient to remove (and short-cut) the LDO or do I need to remove the level shifter too?
@fleinze I would suggest to leave these as they are and measure the consumption. Removing the LDO didn't give me a noticeable difference. It could depend on the board however.
@fleinze I am using ATmega328 with 1Mhz and with LDO i have 15uA in standby mode. I have removed the LDO and measured 8uA. You should try it yourself.
@fleinze I wrote a few words about it over here
@m26872 @kenci @AWI Thank you very much for your answers!
I will go for removing the LDO but letting the level-shifter in place, because it is a pain in the ass to bypass the levelshifter.Bypassing the desoldered LDO is very easy. Just connect the following point on the resistor-array:
@fleinze The 662k on this board has a typical drop-out of 250mV and power consumption of only 1uA... and takes care of a stable power supply. I doubt if there is any advantage in bridging or removing the LDO.
@AWI What happens when the input voltage drops below 3.1V ? It seems the output voltage just follows the input voltage minus the dropout. I have not measured this yet, but I'm assuming this, since i have nodes working below 3.1V and sending temperature and humidity readings.
@GertSanders No conclusive reading from the datasheet. I will do some measurements later. ..