@HouseIOT Sorry to trouble you, i use a mysensors-wifi-gateway with protocol 2.1.1 , and my homeautomation is home-assistant. I can't use your dimmer in my system.
After read the reference, there need to add V-percentage and V-status in the code, as a newbie , I can't do it myself. So I wondered,can you do me a favor?
Thanks a lot.
I have published all the documentation in a Github repository. If someone wants to make PCBs, I recommend that you wait a little longer until you receive my PCBs and try them.
A couple of things, you put the device to sleep so while it's asleep, it won't respond to the commands to change the relays. Since you are combining relays and sensors, you need to keep the unit awake and find a different way to send the sensor data occasionally. For the relay status, read the comments in the sketch. You are saving the relay state and then reading that on startup. You can eliminate all of that code and just set the relay to off in the setup section.
@JahFyahh - I still haven't managed to et round to it. I've been really busy since this project and its still hectic here. I'm sure i read a few reviews somewhere, here or google. Not sure.