MySensors - oldskool electronic components - doorbell chime
Theo, love the background story. You're an awesome writer!
@hek Thank you for the compliment! How are you doing with the gesture sensors?
They have arrived... but I've been working night-shift on something cool for the openhardware-site for the last 3 weeks. No time for the fun stuff
@hek I can relate to that ;-). But I'll have to postpone on some projects. I have to sharpen my chisels and other hand tools. Woodworking season has begun. I also ordered a couple of APDS-9930 they're so cheap. Hopefully they work just as well as the 9960. But I'll check that whenever they arrive.
Added sketch, which also supports an additional mini PIR sensor. It's what I needed, you can comment to #define out.
Also changed the regulator to a smaller one, which supplies up to 100 milli Amp, which is plenty enough. That way I can keep the circuit smaller on the PCB. Which allows me to create a smaller housing.