Leonardo RF24
I currently have 4 Nano's running with my vera3. I have been able to prototype with a Uno. The Leonardo is giving me fits.
I have wired the Leonardo to this link using the three pins on the ICSP connector for SCK,MOSI.MISO
i cannot get the leonardo to talk to the Rf24. Has enyone had success with the leonardo?
I haven't tried Leonardo... But make sure to set the correct CE/CS pin to match how you connect them on your leonardo board.
Sensor(uint8_t cepin = 9, uint8_t cspin = 10); Relay (uint8_t cepin = 9, uint8_t cspin = 10);
Default is 9/10.
Try 8/10 and see what happens (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/NRF24-arduino/NIuVn9-41h0)
Yes I have tried various pin outs with 0 success. There is a new rf24 library for the Leonardo that is not compatible with your calls.
Just wanted to let you know that I've tested this with an Arduino Leonardo, with the RF24 library bundled with "My Sensors" (from GIT), MISO MOSI and SCK connected to ICSP as stated on the offcial Wiki:
also works for the MEGA 2560, but you have to connect to the ICSP or use the 50-52 pins (if using it for the Ethernet gateway for example)