Best Arduino for a lot of digital outputs?
I'm looking to connect two stepper drivers to the Arduino, each one needs 2 digital pins for step/dir and 3 pins to control microstepping. I'd also like another pin to connect a light sensor to it. Is there a board that can support all these pins (~12) and the radio? Or would it be best to just get two Arduino pro minis and split it up?
You can use the analog pins as digital io. It should get you to 12 on the pro mini:
That's a good tip, thanks!
I guess something like this could also work:
Do you have any recommendation for this? I don't think the digital+analog inputs will be enough to connect two steppers and a luminosity sensor.
Do you foresee any issues using the shift register I linked previously?
AtMega 2560 perhaps?
Hmm, yeah that would work. It just seems like overkill for a few extra pins (price and size wise). I didn't realize there were 8 analog pins on the APM, those should actually be enough to drive all the things as long as they work OK as digital outputs.
I figure the shift register will cause problems because I won't be able to build an 'AccelStepper' object since the input for the constructor is a pin number. I assume I'd have to modify the code if I want to put it through the shift register.