MP1584EN DC DC3A Eagle component
I am trying to create my first PCB in Eagle.
But i need to add this component in it but can't find any library that contains it.Dose anyone have a library for this?
if you don't find any symbol lib for it, you'll need to do your own
Create a symbol, footprint and package, then you'll be able to use it in your design. Lots of howto for creating new package in Eagle.
Side note : it's always good practice to check the footprints you find on internet (especially for smd). But adafruit, sparkfun etc are good resources.
Thanks @scalz
I hoped to avoid create my own
I have something similar in my library. I will export it to a lib and upload when I get home tonight.
@GertSanders Thanks, that would be very nice.
Here is a library with power related modules and components. Have fun.
Thanks a lot!