nRF5 action!
yes it depends what ARM mcu you use, some have more freedom regarding pin mapping and peripherals, but atsam can do that too. Very useful.
There are some rules for atsam how to change the mapping for spi or other periph, versus arduino core files and datasheet. But if you don't want to dig in that, you can just follow a mapping from a board which already exists in Board manager.
I finished the first pass, and it looks as though everything will fit:
A bit more work to do, but this is the approximate form it would take.
@NeverDie NRF or RFM?
@Terrence said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
@NeverDie NRF or RFM?
Neither. This is just the MCU. If I can get it to run blink, then as a next step I'll add a radio.
It's basically a subset of the sparkfun board, but in a different form factor, with a different USB, and all in 2-layer rather than 4-layer. This will be my first ARM board, so I'm just trying to keep it as simple as possible. The razzmatazz can come later.
I polished up the USB and re-positioned the headers so they'd fit on a breadboard:
The irony is: after having done all that, I can now more clearly see that it's just not a very efficient form factor. I think for future versions I'll make it not so narrow.
@NeverDie It is an interesting exploration. It seems you don't see it until you get there.
I just now sent this to OSH Park:
to see whether or not it works. I still don't know how many uH are the value for the one inductor that Sparkfun used though. Any guesses?
@NeverDie said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
I still don't know how many uH are the value for the one inductor that Sparkfun used though. Any guesses?
I see no inductor on Sparkfun's schematic ? Only a 30 Ohm ferrite bead.
Thanks! I guessing this part should do the business then:
Argh. For only a little more than what I paid for the Sparkfun SamD21, I couldn't have gotten the same MCU with an RFM69HCW! And it's already on a 2-layer board, not a 4-layer board:<insert facepalm icon> I should have started with that instead, because that's already probably close to what I'll end up with.
It's a very good price. If you do it yourself you have a 3$ MCU, 3$+ radio, 1$ PCB and a few US$ for other components (like lipo charger). Leaving only 10$ left for assembly but if you do it yourself you need a lot of time even with a stencil.
And believe it or not, the LoRa version can be had for as little as $15.99 each with Prime delivery:, at that price I think this becomes a buy, not build, decision.
@NeverDie be careful this is a "featherwing" = "shield" style board that you add to the basic "feather" board.
So you need 20$ for feather board + 16$ for radio ... not so cheap anymore
if i remember well, the adafruit board is SAMD21G.
Here another example, sort of feather i made a while for testing SAMD21E. The same it's rechargeable, and I added some features like a rgb led, sma connector for RFM69/95, flash, signing, MYSX etc..
mounted with a weather extension board i made. If there is an interest, i can clean a bit my files and upload it, it's working well
I'm very interested too. It probably beats my bumbling attempts at making a Sam21DE18, and if it's already working well, what's not to like?
@NeverDie I love the Feather boards. Currently working with the RFM69 feather. Build in battery connector/charger is very nice to have.
@NeverDie @Nca78 oki noted!
@Terrence yeah, agree too. i have assembled one for testing as it was new and not available. Unfortunately, regarding Mysensors use, there are no flash for ota (in case for future), no signing, no eeprom for routing table (atsam has no eeprom, only emulation if i remember), no sma connector ...
@Terrence said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
@NeverDie I love the Feather boards. Currently working with the RFM69 feather. Build in battery connector/charger is very nice to have.
Good to hear!
I ordered one today (after my posting above). There's a good chance I'll receive it on Sunday. I look forward to trying it out.
@scalz >>Unfortunately, regarding Mysensors use, there are no flash for ota (in case for future), no signing, no eeprom for routing table in mysensors, no sma connector ...
Well so one of you brilliant guys will come up with a FeatherWing that will add all of that functionality right?
@Terrence and no usb goodies for protection. woops can't be added on an external board
I'm kidding, well, i let others make this featherwing, enough busy on my side
@scalz Are you still working on that great looking PIR board?
@Terrence that's a bit OT
yep among others things, and i'm quickly distracted so i need to stay focused
@scalz I think there is HUGE interest in a good working PIR solution. That gets my vote.
@Terrence said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
@NeverDie I love the Feather boards. Currently working with the RFM69 feather. Build in battery connector/charger is very nice to have.
Have you found a cheaper source than Amazon for buying them?
@NeverDie No, Adafruit is the maker/seller and before just recently you had to buy them from them and pay the shipping and slow order fill process.
I have Amazon Prime, so shipping is "free" and they show up in 2 days.
I have never seen them for lower than MSRP.
Just discovered this, bought with no wifi (no need for it) and usb adapter. It's using a SAMD21E17 (so 16k/128k) but should be enough for playing a bit and I love the stackable usb adapter that you need to buy only once for all your boards.
What do you guys think of the NRF51822?,searchweb201602_5_10152_10065_10151_10068_10130_10136_10137_10060_10155_10062_437_10154_10056_10055_10054_10059_303_100031_10099_10103_10102_10096_10052_10053_10142_10107_10050_10051_5030014_10084_10083_10119_10080_10082_10081_10178_10110_519_10111_10112_10113_10114_10182_10078_10079_10073_10123_10120_10189_142,searchweb201603_1,ppcSwitch_4&btsid=bdb83fff-e500-45cf-becd-3dfdfd896dad&algo_expid=5ab8c3b2-cd02-4c0a-8ea8-941792ebfedc-2&algo_pvid=5ab8c3b2-cd02-4c0a-8ea8-941792ebfedc
The dev boards are really cheap, and they come with a capable mcu.
What I find even more interesting than that, though, is "extended range" Bluetooth, which might very well be the all-in-one tiny module that does it all:
No need to add an NRF24L01 or an RFM69 module, because for home automation, the extended range version of bluetooth should have adequate range already. And it has a capable ARM MCU built in.
@NeverDie radio mcus are nice
@NeverDie I love the new 51840 (the one that does the long distance, the 832 is the High throughput chip) Please work with the 840.
I have the nRF52840 Preview DK, but have not fired it up yet. Still trying to understand how to code Bluetooth. has an interesting Gecko BT5 chip as well.
1 megabyte of flash and 256K of RAM! And long range too! Wow, that NRF52840 takes things to a whole new level. When will we be seeing regular modules with it beyond just the developer kits?
Also, the inevitable question: is it programmable through the Arduino IDE? I sure hope the answer is yes.
840 is pretty new, and if i'm not wrong, final version is planned in few month for end of year (it's a bga package, and preview version), there are a very few modules actually, but expensive to order, for a beta though. So if there is a support for it in Arduino, it could be not complete yet. i'll tell you more when i'll get mine
OK, so if we wanted to make something today (or, at least before the end of the year), what module should we use now such that the nRF52840 will be an easy upgrade when it arrives later and sells for (hopefully) cheap on Aliexpress? Would it be the nRF51422 (which I don't believe does long range)? In fact, I'm not sure whether Nordic has anything long range before this nRF52840. That's kinda why I was looking at the cypress or silicon labs product lines, not knowing that Nordic had something in the wings already.
When it does become available, it looks as though it will be around $7 for quantity 1:
Actually, it says 16 week lead time, so that's more or less consistent with what Scalz said.
This whole topic has been brewing in the back of my mind for a couple years now:
and the nRF52840, it looks as though the moment has finally arrived to tie it all together and give it a try.
I just have no idea where to even begin though. Just order the nRF52840 preview DK? Is it fairly quick to get something up and running, or is it a fairly steep learning curve?
@Terrence said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
@NeverDie I love the new 51840 (the one that does the long distance, the 832 is the High throughput chip) Please work with the 840.
I have the nRF52840 Preview DK, but have not fired it up yet. Still trying to understand how to code Bluetooth. has an interesting Gecko BT5 chip as well. though you said 840 rather than 832, might the 832 yet still be a decent way to get started?
And then transition to the 840 when it becomes more available? At least the 832 is in the same nRF52 samily as the 840.My hunch is that bluetooth long range is going to win, because regular bluetooth is already baked into everything.
@NeverDie I think the 832 would be a good start until the 840 is available. I think all programming will be the same for when we switch over the 840. I am not 100% sure though.
I have been looking at the AdaFruit 832 since it came out, but have not pulled the trigger yet, as I have not yet opened my 840 dev kit.
We can definitely program the AdaFruit 832 with Arduino.
I agree with you that BT5 long range is the way to the future due to it's low energy, great built in security, long range and no additional chip required.... and >>because regular bluetooth is already baked into everything.
I agree with @Terrence
For end users, i think you won't see a big diff in Arduino when 840 will be released. but they are not really the same inside..
Also 840 is Nordic flagship, so it won't be as cheap as nrf51 series soon. And the same applies to 832 which is still affordable regarding specs. That's why they've released the 810, for lower cost, same RF perf as 832, but less memory.
@scalz said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
same RF perf as 832, but less memory
but no long range right?
So scalz it is your understanding that the coding will be the same on the 832 and when we start getting the 840, but the distance will just increase?
I tried looking at the description on Mouser for the nRF52840 Preview Development Kit,
and it's not obvious as to whether it even comes with any of the modules. So, I guess I could get it to do mcu tricks, but I'm wondering now whether it can even communicate with anything wirelessly until 16 weeks from now?
Also, it's not clear to me yet whether the Nordic modules are truly "long range" rather than just better range. I get the impression they do some coding gain without actually increasing transmit power. That's fine, I suppose, although the datasheet ( does describe the link budget (with coding gain?) as being only 104dB, which isn't exactly awesome.
The nRF52840 PDK is a versatile single board development kit for Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth low energy, ANT, 802.15.4 and 2.4GHz proprietary applications using the nRF52840 SoC. This kit supports development for the nRF52840 SoC. drone video of 840 long range.
Nordic Semiconductor – Bluetooth 5 Long Range Test with nRF52840 – 04:03
— Nordic Semiconductor
That's pretty impressive..
A better test would have been to test the range while still maintaining a sufficiently low packet error rate. Their test criteria was just "still receiving packets," which could have meant a very high packet error rate, which isn't really useful information.
At the end of the day, it's the link budget that seems to matter most in comparing different radios. The higher the link budget, the better the range (in apples to apples comparison, where a particular packet error rate is what determines practical "range").
So, for comparison, a LoRa radio has a link budget as high as around 156dB (that's with the lowest bitrate and the highest coding gain). It's arguably far more than you need for home automation, but then again, I'd rather have overkill than underkill.
@NeverDie said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
A better test would have been to test the range while still maintaining a sufficiently low packet error rate. Their test criteria was just "still receiving packets," which could have meant a very high packet error rate, which isn't really useful information.
I think at the moment the guy says he doesn't see a single drop, or something like that. I understood "all packets arrived".
I notice though that they show the link budet for the 840 is 111dB. Well, that's encouraging. The datasheet says "104 dB link budget for Bluetooth low energy," so I guess they're using a different mode.
I was really keen to try the nrf52832, in lieu of the nRF52840 until it became available, because of the OTA wireless update capability. Then I dug a bit further, and on the Adafruit website ( it says "This option is not actively support nor recommended by Adafruit, and we are still working on making this as safe as possible for users via our Bluefruit LE Connect application. Use OTA DFU at your own risk knowing you can brick your device and may need a Segger J-Link or similar device to regain control of it!"
I have the Adafruit Feather M0 RFM69 nominally working doing Blink plus a little more. Adafruit appears to provide zero demo code for the LowPowerLab library, though it does for the RadioHead library. Therefore, I haven't yet figured out what I need to change in my code to make it talk to the Radio, but that's next.
So far I'm not at all liking the "two in one" usb connection: one for programming it and one for the serial console. The transition and sharing between them only rarely goes smoothly. Not sure if that will ever get ironed out over time or whether two physically different usb connections (as some of the other arduino boards provide) would be better.
OK, I've got the Adafruit Feather M0 RFM69 radio working now. To make it work with the LowPowerLab library, you need to delete the following from the RFM69.h file:
#elif defined(__arm__)//Use pin 10 or any pin you want #define RF69_IRQ_PIN 10 #define RF69_IRQ_NUM 10
and replace it with:
#elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_FEATHER_M0) // Feather M0 w/Radio #define RF69_SPI_CS 8 #define RF69_IRQ_PIN 3 #define RF69_IRQ_NUM 3 #define LED 13
That's all there is to it!
all you have to do is set your defines for mysensors and this should work out of the box
about the usb, weird, i've no problem here. what problem do you have? here it works smoothly (with custom board, but i have also an adafruit m0 proto, worked well too)
Well, first, for the benefit of others who may be reading this but who aren't familiar with the two USB paradigm, this is how it looks on the Arduino Due:
There are two physically distinct USB connections, but you can have both connected to your computer at the same time. The "Native USB Port" lets you read the console output, and the "Programming port" is for uploading new sketches. It works fine. I like it.So, with that as background, on both the Adafruit Feather M0 SamD21 and the Sparkfun M0 SamD21, there is the same concept, but only one physical USB port. So, let's say I just uploaded a sketch and then want to immediately switch to the "Native USB Port" so that I can read debugging information. Well, that doesn't happen automatically (as it should really). Instead, I get an error message which reads, "Couldn't find a Board on the selected port. Check that you have the correct port selected. If it is correct, try pressing the board's reset button after initiating the upload. Error opening serial port 'COM45'."
Then, I have to go to the Tool menu and manually select Com44 and then open the serial console. Well, by then, the debug info would have already passed by, because it doesn't reboot upon opening the serial console. So, I've added a delay countdown to give me time to do this.And, by the way, every single time I upload a new sketch, it always reports, "An error occured while uploading the sketch," even though if I look at the details, it shows that it uploaded and even verified the upload, and even--sure enough--it really did upload. So, that part is really beginning to bother me, even though maybe it shouldn't. It's true for both the Adafruit and the Sparkfun Samd21 boards.
Anyhow, it looks like the Hackaday guy did a board with two physical USBs, and maybe that's a good idea?
Or maybe it's still just one USB connection and three different connector types? Not really sure.
Anyhow, I guess what I could do is simply write my serial debug output to a pair of Rx and Tx pins, and then I could side-step the whole mess without getting entangled in it. Not very elegant, but it would serve the purpose until I learn the ins-and-outs better.
You will always have the issue of USB connection, when using a native USB device, because it will re-enumerate on the USB bus whenever you reset the device.
That's also why you have to put the following code
while(Serial) {}
In the setup routine of sketches with native usb devices, if you expect to catch all debug messages from the start. This behavior does not change if you have both native and a programming port.
By the way (and it's just an as yet an unverified first impression), but it seems like the RSSI received on the Feather RFM69 is much better than on an atmega328p RFM69 combo. If that bears out, then all by itself it might be reason to switch. Anyone else get this impression, or not?
@tbowmo said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
while(Serial) {}
Cool. I just tried it. It turns out it's actually
while(!Serial) {}
but it works great. Thanks!
about rfm69 and better rssi, it could also be related to ground plane size of the board.
and for mcu, yep no need of the programming port. native is enough if there is the bootloader.
@scalz said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
all you have to do is set your defines for mysensors and this should work out of the boxI just now noticed that @Sweeman already did:
I hadn't noticed it before, but it looks like even Arduino will have an NRF52 board:
Of course, that's a very good thing! Unfortunately, they don't seem to be in stock anywhere, even though they were first released in March, 2016. What's up with that?
So, I've ordered a couple of these to try out: good news is that NRF52 modules don't seem to require many external parts, and for self-assembly that's a real advantage.
Looks like a fully integrated board can be had for <$9, including e-packet delivery:,searchweb201602_5_10152_10065_10151_10130_10068_5210015_10136_10137_10060_10155_10062_437_10154_10056_10055_10054_10059_303_100031_10099_10103_10102_5290015_10096_5320015_10052_10053_10107_10050_10142_10051_5280015_10084_10083_5250016_10119_10080_10082_10081_10178_10110_519_10111_10112_10113_5240015_10114_5230016_10182_10078_10079_5260014_10073_10123_10120_10189_5270015_142-10120,searchweb201603_49,ppcSwitch_4&btsid=02e4720e-a974-4d92-a890-0cd0f6510022&algo_expid=87b18aca-7c4a-43a5-8995-4d45694a7044-2&algo_pvid=87b18aca-7c4a-43a5-8995-4d45694a7044
@NeverDie I was about to pull the trigger on some of those, but I can't seem to get my mind off of the potential long distance of the 840. I wonder when the world will be blessed with those modules?
Looking forward to your experience with the Adafruit BLE boards.
@Terrence said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
I wonder when the world will be blessed with those modules?
I wouldn't wait for them. Will probably take at least half a year or so (according to Nordic)
@Yveaux You are correct, use what is available, not what will be in the future.
@Terrence said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
@NeverDie I was about to pull the trigger on some of those, but I can't seem to get my mind off of the potential long distance of the 840.
Same here, but hopefully (?) most of what I learn with the 832 will be applicable to the 840. The 840 is clearly more desirable, and I probably wouldn't have pulled the trigger on the 832 if I didn't know the 840 was coming.
@NeverDie said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
most of what I learn with the 832 will be applicable to the 840
Right. I have been trying to get my head around the BT communication pattern. It is a different beast indeed.
Looks as though the 52 Thingy might be a good starting point for some people:
What I'm not sure about is whether the NRF52832 will have truly adequate indoor range. Max tx power is 4db, which is better than the 0db of the NRF24L01. Will that be enough? I can only guess. That's why I ordered two of the Adafruit NRF52832 feathers: to see for myself. If they disappoint, then I may shelve them until the 840 becomes more available, and then try again using the 840. On the other hand, if the 832 turns out to be "good enough", then the 840 may not matter so much.
I do like that it apparently is programmable from within the Arduino IDE. That will make trying it out a lot easier. If the OTA uploads are easy to do, then I'll be really happy.
nrf52832 is definitely better than nrf24l01. if i'm not wrong, 4db can double range in theory.
For range, an important point is the antenna, as you already know.
Chip antenna can be ok, depending on the environment and usecase, but can't compete with a rfm69. These antennas are not for long range, so the adafruit board. How to miniaturize antennas without loosing performance..
@scalz said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
These antennas are not for long range, so the adafruit board. How to miniaturize antennas without loosing performance..
Good point. Looks as though the aliexpress module I referenced above, though, does have some kind of antenna connector on it:
So, maybe plugging something (?) into that would give better range?Also, I just now read that these 832 modules can communicate with the older NRF24L01's. Is that true? That would be nice.
yes these one looks better. looks like you can also tune ant (there are some footprints).
note the "meandered" antenna. it reduces antenna size, needs some tuning, a bit less efficient vs others type. but maybe better than chip antenna i think. and you have the ipex in case, cool!
Not so cheap (not fcc) but interesting i agree.Yes, indeed! it's compatible with nrf24 thx to @d00616
You should try, i'm using my nrf52 board (aeos) with my esp32 gw (halo)
And the cherry, with VS Micro, and multiple serial monitors in same ide
@scalz said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
And the cherry, with VS Micro, and multiple serial monitors in same ide
Guys I have been developing with VS Code (free) for Arduino type coding. been very happy with it. It does not have multi serial monitors (not that I know of).
Anyone else using VS Code?
@Terrence said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
@scalz said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
And the cherry, with VS Micro, and multiple serial monitors in same ide
Guys I have been developing with VS Code (free) for Arduino type coding. been very happy with it. It does not have multi serial monitors (not that I know of).
Anyone else using VS Code?What are its advantages that are the reason for your preferring it?
@NeverDie I prefer it over the Arduino platform, not VS Micro.
It is a super lightweight editor, but really powerful with added extensions.
In Windows Explorer, right click a folder and click on "Open with Code' and the folder and all code files are there.I have been using Visual Studio for work for a decade. It is a very heavy capable environment, but too heavy for simple ino projects.
I used VS Micro 3 years ago or so, but I can't compare the two.
Here is a snip showing the Arduino extension.
I received the adafruit nrf52 feathers today, and I'm really quite shocked: adafruit doesn't supply any demo code (at least none that I can find) which would allow two nrf52 feathers to talk to one another. In fact, most of the demo code has nothing to do with bluetooth at all! This is very disappointing.
@NeverDie I guess they just rely on mySensors for the communication
@Yveaux said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
@NeverDie I guess they just rely on mySensors for the communication
Wait, does mysensors demo code already work using the nrf52832?
If not, does anyone know of some demo code somewhere that demos two 832's communicating (like there's plenty of demo code already for the NRF24L01)? I really don't want to figure this out from scratch using just the datasheet. Been there and done that already with the RFM69, and I don't want to have to do it again with the NRF52832. If there is not already a good "load and go" demo somewhere, then I'm going to return these modules to Amazon.
Adafruit only provides examples for Bluetooth.regarding mysensors, i have answered here
sidenote i forgot to say:
your adafruit board should have a bootloader inside, so you can burn a sketch from arduino just by using ftdi (and allows some other features like ota etc). This is why i've also added dtr signal on my aeos in case.
But I've not tried this configuration yet, and if i'm not wrong adafruit added freertos to their core files.
So, i have no idea if burning a mysensors sketch by using adafruit boards in Arduino (so their core) will work out of the box.As, for the moment, i burn my mcus by using swd programmer (like for the atsam), and use the sandeep core files, in Arduino board manager, with custom board definition regarding my boards as i have not this adafruit board,I made mine before, else i would have ordered one :).
I hope my explanations are clear, don't hesitate in case
I've been able to run Blink on the Adafruit NRF52 by compiling the Adafruit example Blink program within the Arduino IDE and then uploading it to the Adafruit NRF52 over the USB cable using the Arduino IDE, if that's what you mean. That part seems to work as intended, and it behaves just like any other Arduino in that respect. It's just that I had wrongly imagined that NRF52's would be communicating with each other using Bluetooth, and instead it sounds like (?) they'll actually be using a different, non-Bluetooth mode, for that--which is fine by me.If I understand you correctly, I should be able to just upload the mysensors demo code (one for a gateway and one for a node) to my two Adafruit NRF52's, and that's all it should take for them to then be communicating in a normal mysensors way. Is that right? If so, that would be very welcome news indeed.
yes, you just need to do this
Are you sure? I just tried compiling the SerialGateway example inside the Arduino IDE with the board set to "Adafruit Bluefruit NRF52 Feather, " and it won't even compile. Looking at mysensors.h file, I think I can see why:// Enable radio "feature" if one of the radio types was enabled #if defined(MY_RADIO_NRF24) || defined(MY_RADIO_RFM69) || defined(MY_RADIO_RFM95) || defined(MY_RS485) #define MY_SENSOR_NETWORK #endif // HARDWARE #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266) #include "core/MyHwESP8266.cpp" #elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR) #include "drivers/AVR/DigitalWriteFast/digitalWriteFast.h" #include "core/MyHwAVR.cpp" #elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD) #include "core/MyHwSAMD.cpp" #elif defined(__linux__) #include "core/MyHwLinuxGeneric.cpp" #endif
The library seems to have no recognition capability for either the NRF52 nor for any board based on it.
What do I need to modify to get it to work? Anyone know?
@NeverDie what MySensors library are you using? Nrf52 is only supported in development.
Yveaux is right, you need to use development branch of Mysensors, and just need to enable this define:
#define MY_RADIO_NRF5_ESBYou can also get more details here:
I had been using the publicly released Mysensors library, but after your suggestions I switched over to the developers release.
So, now a new obstacle: if I compile using the board set as an Adafruit Bluefruit nRF52 Feather, I get the following fatal compile error:
Build options changed, rebuilding all In file included from C:\Users\CoolerMaster\Documents\Arduino\mysensors sketches\GatewaySerial_v002\GatewaySerial_v002.ino:85:0: C:\Users\CoolerMaster\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors/MySensors.h:352:2: error: #error No support for nRF5 radio on this platform #error No support for nRF5 radio on this platform ^ exit status 1 Error compiling for board Adafruit Bluefruit nRF52 Feather.
However, if I switch over to the "Generic nRF52" board from Nordic Semiconductor, it compiles just fine, but it hangs while uploading.
yep that's what i was talking, regarding adafruit&core in board manager.
That would be easier to just use sandeep core only (as adafruit core is an extension using bootloader), and then use one of the boards available for nrf52.You could try that :
- select NRF52 generic or DK in board manager (so this uses sandeep core)
- Select Softdevice : no
- Programmer : J-link
- Connect SWD programmer
- upload sketch
this should work, you'll just loose the adafruit bootloader feature i think.
I tried using the ST-LINK V2 programmer that I got from Amazon, but I think maybe (?) it's junk: almost nothing seems to recognize it after I've plugged it in. I've installed the USB driver for it from the ST website, and I've tried connecting to it using the ST-LINK utility program. It did recognize it long enough to identify its firmware and to actually (or so it said) upgrade its firmware to the current version. However, even that program can't seem to "connect" with it for anything else other than upgrading the firmware. Arduino doesn't see it at all.
So, maybe I need a better programmer? Is the DK for the 52832 from Nordic the one to get, or should I get something else (preferably something which might also work with the 52840 when that becomes available)?
An actual J-Link from Segger is priced at >$400. Are the cheap Aliexpress knock-offs just as good?,searchweb201602_5_10152_10065_10151_10068_10130_10084_10083_10119_10080_10082_10081_10110_10178_10136_10137_519_10111_10060_10112_10113_10155_10114_437_10154_10056_10055_10054_10182_10059_303_100031_10099_10078_10079_10103_10073_10102_10120_10052_10053_10142_10107_142_10050_10051,searchweb201603_49,ppcSwitch_4&btsid=55ccaf9e-4381-4041-87de-32344016ca8e&algo_expid=281f8f71-cf63-4236-b1e7-4fbf7703f3dc-0&algo_pvid=281f8f71-cf63-4236-b1e7-4fbf7703f3dc
So, I went ahead and ordered this: it has e-packet delivery. Hopefully it's not a complete waste of money. Unfortunately, I guess there's not much more I can do until it arrives....
Anything else I should get to go with it? Like maybe:
and/or something else?Is there by any chance some kind of bit-bang equivalent that someone has already developed? With arduino's being so cheap, I'd think there'd be a way to use one as a programmer, or at least as some kind of uploader, to an ARM mcu. I mean, how hard can it be?
Since it seems I'll be forced to use a programmer, the adafruit advantages completely go out the window. Therefore, I ordered a couple of these, which will probably (?) be just as good in the end, but a whole lot cheaper: like that they have through-holes and not just castellated connectors. That will make them much easier to wire up.
I also ordered this as my final insurance in case the J-Link Segger knock-off turns out not to work: none of that extra hardware works, then I'll probably switch to Linux to see if I have more luck using that instead of Windows.
I think this is because you need to install Zadig, open it, choose your swd programmer in list and change the driver. Then it should work.
Thanks! I'll give that a try.
BTW, I noticed this nRF52830 module, which is interesting because it includes a trace antenna and is allegedly just 15.4mmx15.4mm in size:
Granted, it doesn't expose as many pins though.
oki cool.
Raytac has also modules with pcb antenna, and interestingly, from their datasheet, perform worse than their chip antenna version.
I prefer to clarify it a bit! We can't say pcb antenna are always better than chip antenna.
But it's sure that you can't get the best performance with an antenna which is not adapted to the usecase.
Also, when doing very tiny pcb, the gnd plane can be too small regarding the wavelength etc, decreasing even more the antenna efficiency.
The more tiny, the less range..that's not a problem for a wearable, that you wear, close to your phone.
@scalz said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
I think this is because you need to install Zadig, open it, choose your swd programmer in list and change the driver. Then it should work.Ok, I tried this just now. The good news is that Zadig recognizes the ST-LINK V2 usb dongle when I plug it in (it shows up at "STM32 STLink"). The bad news is that I'm not sure which of those drivers I should install. Following the SandeepMistry directions on github, there is nothing called "Interface 2" that I can see. So, I tried all four USB drivers, each in turn, that Zadig offers up, but with none of them does the Arduino IDE subsequently recognize the St-LINK V2 dongle.
So, it does seem like I'm getting closer, thanks to your suggestions, but I'm still not there yet. Any more suggestions?
Also, Sandeep's preceding directions call for:
Download mbed Windows Serial driverMaybe this is where it all falls apart. I'm able to download the driver, but I can't install it. When I try to, the installation quickly terminations and I get the following error message: "the driver could not be installed. No mbed microcontrollers were found."
@scalz said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
Also, when doing very tiny pcb, the gnd plane can be too small regarding the wavelength etc, decreasing even more the antenna efficiency.
The more tiny, the less range..that's not a problem for a wearable, that you wear, close to your phone.As long as it's within range of a gateway, then it's good enough. Fortunately, it's really cheap to make gateways using ESP8266's, so you can have lots of gateways sprinkled around if needed. Of course, that's yet another trade-off, as it's not free, and it's arguably not even desirable either. Still, for tiny antenna's (like maybe for a soil moisture sensor in an indoor flower pot), being inconspicuous may make it worth the price.
Anyone here ever gotten the st-link v2 to work with the arduino and nRF52832? Seems like most published instructions pertain to the J-Link instead.
I'm cutting my losses. The googling I've done on this issue is not giving me much reason for optimism about the use of an ST-LINK V2 for this configuration. In fact, just the opposite.
I may get the DK to tide me over until the Segger J-Link and the other hardware arrives.
Just noticed that the ESP32S integrates both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth BLE. I guess it's not exactly on-point with what we're discussing here, as I doubt (?) it includes Nordic's proprietary radio modes that mysensors will be using (instead of Bluetooth BLE per se) in the nRF52832, but, golly gee, for just $5, that sounds like quite a package! Mysensors ever did use BLE, I'd imagine it might make an excellent gateway (and cheap enough that you could easily afford quite a number of them to, say, guarantee solid radio communications throughout your house).
Why is it that mysensors is opting for the Nordic proprietary mode instead of the BLE standard? Is it just too cumbersome or something?
Mysensors isn't opting especially for "nordic mode".
You're mixing a bit things.. So far Mysensors was using nrf24, and the nrf52 is compatible. That's all! Pretty cool to have the feature available i think.
Then, regarding, BLE etc, i can only say, there might be some nice feature in future, but that will need some patienceBLE is another protocol like Mysensors is.
Yep, esp32 is very nice, and i like my "Halo" esp32 gw. But I wouldn't use it without a strong battery, the radio modes are too much power hungry..
@NeverDie said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
Anyone here ever gotten the st-link v2 to work with the arduino and nRF52832? Seems like most published instructions pertain to the J-Link instead.
Yes, but I use Linux. I have all three supported programmers working. After adding an udev rule to fix permissions for any type of adapter they working very well. If you haven't luck, the CMSIS-DAP is an alternative to ST-Link or J-Link.
@NeverDie said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
Why is it that mysensors is opting for the Nordic proprietary mode instead of the BLE standard? Is it just too cumbersome or something?
There are some reasons I haven't implemented Nordics proprietary standard and I have no intension to use BLE as MySensors transport.
Like @scalz I think MySensors is a protocol and BLE is another protocol. MySensors is optimized to build a network of up to 255 nodes can communicate with low latency and BLE is a complex protocol for a limited number of nodes. There are a lot of use cases for both.
In my opinion, Nordic's BLE code and SDK is not Open Source friendly. I think you can't create LGPL code based on Nordics BLE SDK examples. To Compile code, you have to agree Nordics License or you have to choose.
For MySensors, I think the Apache implementation NimBLE should a good BLE implementation to start with. This Implementations looks more efficient than Nordics implementation and I like the OTA update/bootloader concept. At is a demo video of a 32 node BLE network. It looks like there is a high latency in communication.
To support Nordics SoftDevice or another BLE implementation, the MySensors nRF5 code must be extended to use the hardware abstraction for e.g. random number generation, accessing flash memory or interrupt handling. When it's done a MY_RADIO_NRF5_BLE can be implemented.
Another option could be to use BLE packages without the BLE protocol, then its possible to communicate with any BLE MCU which allows direct access to the radio. Actually you can use the ESB protocol with BLE modulation, but I think this is incompatible to other BLE MCU.
BTW: The nRF52840 cannot communicate with 250kbit nRF24. This rate is depreciated since nRF52822 release.
@d00616 said in Minimalist SAMD21 TQFP32 Pro Mini:
Thanks for your post!I have all three supported programmers working.
It's great that you have that perspective to share. Which of the three do you most prefer, and why? Also, if picking one for use under a Windows environment, which would you recommend most?