💬 EFEKTA Motion sensor
Update, posted a detailed description of the device, the program code, a list of components that would estimate the cost...
Device Update (rev2). Most of the updates touched on the design of the PCB. Added filling of empty areas. Added technological holes for fixing the board to the case. Added recesses for control buttons. Addeded rounded corners on PCB
To all who made orders earlier this PCB revision will be sent.
congratulations :). have you chosen a nice box for it?
@jeremushka Tired of choosing from what is offered, it limits. I will make device case, the way I see it in my head. Conventional printers provide poor quality for such small devices. Waiting for my first UF printer
@berkseo What's a UF printer?
Incredible detail
How does one just order the PCB and not all the components? I do not see an option for that, just an option to order assembled.
just received 1st test unit. very nice quality. now i need to find / make a case for it. @berkseo, do you happen to have a case design yet?
I hope that very soon my SolidWorks will present very interesting enclosures for my devices :). Now this is the number one task. In fact, I stopped developing new PCBs. Now I spend all my free time developing enclosures for finished devices.