I've been able to get MySensors working with HomeGenie using the MQTT gateway. It doesn't have two-way communication or software-based pairing yet, but I'll work on those in the future.
@Michael_K ,
If we go from the front to the back this is what is needed:
1 Node: For example a door bell.
This node sends information to a gateway.
2 The gateway takes the message from the node and sends this to a controller. For instance Openhab or Domotics. This can be done in several ways. MqTT being one.
3 Controller: takes the information and displays it to you.
So in my case, I hardcode Node ID and CHILD ID (the complete door bell is a NODE whereas CHILD IDs may be the button pressed and maybe temperature reading at the same time).
This sends to Gate way that takes the information and creates a MqTT message.
What this message is, please read the instructions on this site.
I use a cheap Chinese 5100 module together with the MQTT gateway and it is warm but have not measured any actual temperature. Works 24 hours a day (now for a couple of months). Most problems have been due to the MQTT code implementation itself . But for most "simple" sensors it runs OK with Openhab.
@ServiceXp said:
@samppa I'm probably miss-understanding you, but wouldn't the electric heater be 100% efficient? In other words, for every watt you consume you would be outputting in thermal energy? I realized in many area's** it's not the cheapest form of heat**, but I think it's 100% efficient?
Yes, but in this case the definition of efficiency that is interesting to know is the heat exchange efficiency i.e. how much of the heat dissipated is preserved and transferred to the fresh air influx. The idea is to save energy and avoid heating with electricity. So the heat in hot air exhausted from the room is re-used to warm the cold outside air.
Yes, I know about the 5V. But the adapter brings it down to 3.3V for the radio, that is the reason for using it and the adapter is equipped with the AMS 1117 3.3V chip. Seems to work OK but I really do not have any hard facts to prove it.
One thing I may test is to wire the 5V also directly to this adapter instead of taking it out from the Arduino 5V pin. This is to find out if this Arduino Nano clone might have too small capacity for feeding the radio at certain occasions.