I've been able to get MySensors working with HomeGenie using the MQTT gateway. It doesn't have two-way communication or software-based pairing yet, but I'll work on those in the future.
@OldSurferDude use a host name for the broker in the configure command (--my-controller-url-address=). Add the host name to /etc/hosts on the rpi where the gateway is. Start the MySensors gatway.
When you want to switch brokers, modify /etc/hosts again and restart the MySensors gateway.
Actually, it's not 100% MySensors-related, but I have a working setup consisting of iBeacon (either HM10-based or PI-based) and Beecon app.
When Beecon senses the iBeacon it can trigger various actions, eg make http requests or call IFTTT recipes
Now the RPi based on a new install of Raspbian Jessie, OpenHab 1.8.0 and Mosquitto is up and running and the ESP8266 MQTT client does connect without any problems. I have not changed anything in the code but Mosquitto is now based on the RPi repository for Jessie and not the mosquito_wheezy one. That seems to have fixed it so those versions are likely different but I have not put any time into checking this.
I have been away for a while but it seams quite some of you are experiencing problems, I'll try to take a look at it. If you find any more details, please let me know!
Hi John,
I also tried using datatype string but it doesen't work. Meanwhile I have studies the log files more detailed and found the following behavior:
when defining the device skeletal and when updating the derived device (first approx. 25 lines in the log file V_STATUS is declared as string with values 51 resp. 52 as specified in the web interface. The entity is "Modul 433 MHz".
Later on, when using the toggle switch in the web interface the value has changed in the decription in the log file (see line 164 or 185) value has been changed to on/off. With this definition it seem that the mysensors-Plugin is feeded has been changed from the specified values.
My conclusion is that the change is taking place somewhere outside the mysensors-plugin.
By the way, if I change the type to string do I have to use quotation marks in the web interface?
Thanks a lot for your support.