💬 Leaky - water detector
I think this is not too useful concept.
In circuit diagram, there is no connection GPIO16 to RESET - so no deep sleep mode.
It seems, your node only connect to server when water leaks.
But what after two years, you do not know if battery are still good and your detector alive.
Better way use deep sleep, after some number deep sleep cycles ( one per day? ),
connect to wifi and send battery voltage for example.
If this message is missed, your controller can send you battery replacement message.
Thank you for your input. In order to lower power consumption I do not want to wake up ESP8266 every hour. That's why I did not choose the deep sleep route. ESP32 could be use instead for longer deep sleep, but seems to me be overkill for such simple circuit. Sure voltage checking would nice, no doubt. Nevertheless it is a good idea to check the board from time time that it is working correctly.
You can wake up every hour, but hold wifi modem off, increment "wake up counter" and go to deep sleep.
Running time between deep sleeps will be very short
And connect to wifi one per day for example.
And make some tweaks for wifi connection:
For inspiration from Step 6 here:https://www.instructables.com/ESP8266-Pro-Tips/
And final tweak here:
@kimot Thank you for your comment & tips.
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