I'm afraid you're not going to get many answers to your question if you provide not more information...
type of heat pump, manufacturer
what are the current possibilities of controlling this heat pump
electric schema's
Try to give as much as possible (technical) information...
@zmatokan said in NModule:
@Nca78 Are you still working on this pcbs? i think it would be great to add a version that supports HiLink 220ac->5dc module on powerboard.
No I'm not working on NModules anymore, I have a few old nodes using atmega/nrf24 but I switched to NRF5 for "basic" nodes now, and to ESP32 for more "advanced" stuff.
NModule was designed for beginner and simple/riskless use, so I don't think adding high voltage option is a great idea, it's better to use an external power supply and connect the output to the powerboard.
@nicomedia I stumbled on this doing a google search. Just wondering if you are still trying to get your Sonoff's working with your Vera controller? If so, I have written a blog post on the subject. It uses a different firmware called ESP Easy and an HTTP Switch plugin on the Vera rather than MySensors. but it works rather well for me. Here is the link to the blog post:
I use this in conjunction with some MySensors wall switches that I built.
My current roller roller Shutter switch are two pushed buttons up and down. No stop button. When release the push button up or down, the shutter will stop. WIll it be compatible with this board or will i have to change the buttons ?
Good to know, indeed my setup is working now with stable libraries thanks to this helpful community.
I'll go back later to development libraries to see if I'm able to work with it as well.