A super easy MQTT getting starting guide?

  • Hero Member

    Can anyone recommend one?

    I did find a recent super easy overview:
    but I have no idea how to get going with one, or even what platform I should prefer for the broker (arduino, Pi2, PC, or cloud?).

    My preferance would be to start with something extremely simple that's already working and then modify it.


  • Cloud is probably easiest to get started.. and then depending what you have available you could try mosquitto on windows as a test, assuming you have a windows box already running and then when you are happy with that and understand what is going on then i would suggest investing in something like a raspberry pi so you can have an always on broker on your home network...

    I am running mosquito on a Rpi b+ without issues, and also openhab running on the same device, and a mysensors mqtt gateway and several sensor nodes for temp and a power meter that i am working on getting going.

    Don't know if that helps.


  • Hero Member

    @Gambituk said:

    Cloud is probably easiest to get started.. and then depending what you have available you could try mosquitto on windows as a test, assuming you have a windows box already running and then when you are happy with that and understand what is going on then i would suggest investing in something like a raspberry pi so you can have an always on broker on your home network...

    I am running mosquito on a Rpi b+ without issues, and also openhab running on the same device, and a mysensors mqtt gateway and several sensor nodes for temp and a power meter that i am working on getting going.

    Don't know if that helps.


    Fair enough. Any suggestions as to which cloud would be easiest to get started with?

  • Sorry, that's the one step i didn't do, i already had a Rpi, so i started from this step, but i think they should all be somewhat similar, maybe someone else has tried something but i can't offer any genuine advice.

  • @Gambituk Is OpenHab stable on the Rpi B+ ? I tried it once but had problems so I'll try it again soon. but It took a lot of time to boot and then failed.

  • i am currently using a Rpi II running OpenHab and the Mosquito broker. Startup is slow, but it works. However, I do not have a lot of sensor currently connected.

  • @tomkxy Good. Thank you

  • @tomkxy Is it stable ? Do you need to restart OpenHab every while ?

  • I had to restart this night which was the first restart since months. Tonight the clocks were changed (Daylight Savings Time). I suspect that this was the reason. Apart from that it is absolutely stable.

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