I am non technical but I have 8 wirsbo stats in my house. One of them is faulty and the unit is now obsolete. Is it possible to purchase one of these pcbs and use it to replace the one in the faulty stat ?
A couple of things, you put the device to sleep so while it's asleep, it won't respond to the commands to change the relays. Since you are combining relays and sensors, you need to keep the unit awake and find a different way to send the sensor data occasionally. For the relay status, read the comments in the sketch. You are saving the relay state and then reading that on startup. You can eliminate all of that code and just set the relay to off in the setup section.
@fets So far, I have only built the 5x5 board (but the others should be schematically identical). The only issue I have found so far is that I cannot get the ISP port to work. But I have checked and I have an identical setup on the 1.0 board and that worked, so I suspect the programmer is too weak to drive the net on this one. So it is not a board-issue per se, and might only be an issue on the 5x5 board as routing is the most complex on that one due to the size.
The choice of MOSFET can be tricky. Seems that irlz44n was discontinued so you may need to find one adapted to the voltage and current you want to handle.
In all the cases you need to get a logic MOSFET too, meaning that they are fully open usually around 1 to 3V.
Also I'm sort of confused as it seems to me that L7812CV is a Voltage regulator, not a MOSFET. So if you are actually using that in the MOSFET spot it will definitively not work.
Especially if you are handling high current or voltage I would recommend using one from a reputable source for your MOSFET, I recently switched from mouser / digikey / aliexpress to mostly use http://www.arrow.com as you get free regular shipping, event if you order a couple of components (no affiliation to them whatsoever).