Multi-button relay switch without debounce
I am trying to figure out how to have multiple relays (2 in my case) with a button to trip the relays but without the debounce. I want the relay to only be active while the switch is being pushed. Could anyone help me with this?
why do you want to do that without debounce? Afaik there is no downside on using the debounce lib to get a smoother switching behaviour.
Because I am controlling an actuator with the ability for manual controls with a button. I want 1 button when held down to open it and another button when held down to close. With debounce I have to click it to open, click it again to turn of relay, then click the other button to retract, and then click to turn of relay.
The bounce2 library supports detecting changes. See this example
I get this error "'class Bounce' has no member named 'fell'"
You'll probably need Bounce2 then.
I have bounce2... Ill try redownloading it
When downloading MySensors this library is included. For usage see MySensors example 'BinarySwitchSensor'.
Yea thats what I thought, and I see it. Ill check this out thanks