Selecting Arduni Pro Mini model ???

  • Hello!

    I'm totally newbie with this.

    Now I have a hard time deciding if I should well-3v or 5v version.
    The idea is that I'll have some scensorer measuring moisture DHT22 and some that only measures temperature with DS18B20. The idea is to measure the power consumption of the CT sensors and pulls.

    Have some NRF24L01 radio transmitter which I know must have 3v.

    So now the question is how should I think?
    Find no good answer, now that I have read on the forum and the side but I may have missed something.

  • Hero Member

    I think you should get a few of both 🙂 I think you will be better off with the 5v version for use with the CT, and I think you would be better off with the 3v version for battery sensors..

  • Admin

    3V versions can also run on 5V. So just get a bunch of 3V versions.

    Only difference is the clockspeed. 5V are using 16Mhz crystals, while 3V is using 8Mhz.

    / Thomas

  • Thanks for your replies!
    Have not had time to order, but leaning towards a pair of each. is there any advantage to have 16bit to 8bit?
    Will it be better resolution?

  • Admin

    ATmega328 is 8 bit.

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