One GW with 2 controllers?
Is it possible to have one arduino gw connected serially to a pi running 2 different controllers.
I have problems with crashes and would like to isolate where the problem lies, so having 2 different controllers would help eliminate 'something' from the fault finding process....
@skywatch No because only one controller would be able to read from the serial port at a time. Even if you possibly did 2 RS485 serial modules on the same board connected in parallel. You would have to set each controller to act as a master device and each one using a different RS485 interface. If a node would expect a response from the master controller, which one should respond? Both cannot respond as master.
@skywatch yes it can be done but there are some caveats. See for some ideas on how to do it.
Other threads that might be interesting:
The trick is to have one program listening on the serial port, and have that program act as a sort of proxy for the controllers...
This can be done with node-red, as @mfalkvidd mentions, and is how I do it. I have both domoticz, and a test instance of openhab running. One benefit of using node-red, is that it can be used to manipulate data to/from the mysensors network (For example, domoticz has "locked state" for doors etc reversed, compared to all other controllers, so I have node-red invert the command to / from domoticz, if it's a door lock, so now domoticz is "compliant" with the other controllers that I mock around with.
Thank you all for taking the time to reply.
I will take a look at the documentation, but then realised I could just have one controller at a time running to test at first (doh!)...
Still, this really is all about an end product that works for my needs with learning new stuff into the bargain.
I'll let you know if I do need to try it - nice to know it's an option!