Looking for Case, Battery and PCB for Window Sensor with Tempsens and Battery measurement
any suggestions out here wich Hardware to use for:little Sensor, with 2 ReedContacts and 18b20?
which case? (incl. Battery holder)?
which Arduino?Which hardware do you use for Sensor like this?
I use usually Arduino Pro Mini board (if possible then 8MHz and 3,3V version) and step-up module for battery.
I use small electricity junction boxes for casing because its so cheap.
If you have designer skills, then you can design your own cases and then use 3D printer to make design real.Vj
No I don't have designer skills. I only need to look the sensors acceptable, so they are not removed "by accident" by my wife
And I was thinking of a case, where the Batterys (A or AA) can b e connected without soldering. There must be a chinashop where to by little plastic cases with Battery holder, at least I hope so.
Yes there is:
will try them, thanks.
if you want a minimal installation you could wait for the mysensor micro module, made specifically for running off 2 batteries. Just add batteries and nrf24 module to the mix, and you are ready to go
You hawker...
just helping out, if he hadn't seen the product page yet
the more people that want to buy one the better prices we can get
Calm down, you'll get your candy soon
Well, I'm on a diet right now, so no need for candy. But is there an estimated time for the mySensor PCB?
the last prototype pcbs are leaving China one of the following days. So hopefully someday during next week I'll have them at my house.
I then need some time to bring a couple of them up, and verify functionality before shipping an engineering sample to china.
My best guess is that sometime within the next couple of months. Depending on manufacturing site etc. (@hek, please correct me, if you disagree :))
Sounds about right. As this is the first production round we see other surprises on the way.
Will the pcbs be assembled with the parts? at least the smd stuff?
I wonder why there is now NRF-pcb availeble which can be pluged direct onto an arduino. the chines sell so many little different pcbs, but nothing with NRF and atmegaxxx togehter on one board. the only one i found is an ATMega48 with connector for the NRF. But the mega48 is a little low on flash.Also, what do you think of the MicroMesh-PCB? (if availeble one day.....) ?
We are in discussion with a factory in China for doing SMT assembly. So as I said before, it's just adding the radio, and a battery..
there is one more advantage for us users when it's done in china. It will save the process of copying the design to produce it in higher volumes for small money. When the chinese realize, the boards will be sold it should go quite fast
Well, the design is released under OSHW license (or will be, when I have verified it), so they are actually allowed to make copies
Damn Capitalists!
You have probably already found the solution for your issue, but for the sake of variety, here is my take on the matter.
The battery is a generic lithium phone battery, 2300mAh in this case. The solar cell is a 5,5V, 30mAh one. It is enclosed in resin. The battery charger is a 1A lithium charger with battery protection. I've replaced the programming resistor with a 10k, to better suit the solar cell output current capabilities. The battery gets 15mA, on a sunny day.
All the components are from eBay.
And you can buy the Arudino board here, on mysensors.org.
Everything fit perfectly.