Oh and another suggestion regarding the "timeout" feature for the nodes would be to make it possible to select the timeout per-node basis . especially since some are running constant and some are on battery etc .

Posts made by badmannen
RE: Mozilla Webthings MySensors add-on / adapter
RE: Mozilla Webthings MySensors add-on / adapter
@alowhum a sorry, I was answering the person who wrote above
RE: What does 1 and 0 in send(msg.set(value==HIGH ? 1 : 0)) really means?
@pl_rekin can you post some more of your code so it is a bit easier to see what you are trying to do.
RE: Mozilla Webthings MySensors add-on / adapter
I just wish Mozilla could introduce some more settings in their web interface. Just to edit nodes and bring back nodes that you deleted etc, in an easy way. The easy interface is pretty and all but it would be useful with some more settings options etc
RE: Mozilla Webthings MySensors add-on / adapter
@alowhum did it your way and it works like a charm.
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
@neverdie aa ok sorry got confused there for a second. I'm running the internal, so I guess I will pop them off again now then and burn that fuse for a quicker startup
RE: Mozilla Webthings MySensors add-on / adapter
@nca78 aaa ok . perfect . Now I try with dimmer and I will see if it appears like I want otherwise IΒ΄ll try your way . thanks !
RE: Mozilla Webthings MySensors add-on / adapter
@nca78 Do you send it as a "DIMMER" to send the percentage?
RE: Mozilla Webthings MySensors add-on / adapter
I been searching around in the forum but I cannot find a way how to send the Battery % so the WEBTHINGS will recognize it , can anyone give me a hint?
at the moment I report it in from my battery node with:
sendBatteryLevel(batteryPcnt);but I assume this does not get forwarded to the controller?
so should I send it as a separate "child node ID , message?
and which one would be most clever?thank you
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
This style?
β¬ 1,09 8%OFF | 20pcs Ceramic Resonators ZTT 4M 6M 8M 10M 12M 16M 4/6/8/10/12/16MHZ DIP-3 Crystal Frequency Element
https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/mRfXWk8Nd -
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
@neverdie aa thanks for the info. Might be useful for some other nodes I will do.
RE: π¬ Relay
I am having this particular switch to be recognized in "Mozilla WEBTHINGS".
IS there some issue with having a repeater node and sensors/switches etc attaches to it? .. it sends in the data as it should when I check with MYSController and I can switch it from there with sending "V_STATUS" messages. but no luck so far of getting the sensors appear in WEBTHINGS , every other sensor works fine.
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
and here is a good simple explanation of the fuses
http://www.martyncurrey.com/category/atmega/ -
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
I just add another note to myself ( And anyone else that lost their hair wondering why the bootloader was lost....)
DO NOT UPLOAD SKETCH ONLY WITH USBASP ... it deletes the bootloader .
yes I know it is mentioned on the foru m.. just found it .. but I mention it again... -
RE: [SOLVED] MYSBootloader FOTA Update hangs on ProMini-3V-8MHz (reboot problem)
@rafael156 oh crap ... I put in that lowFuse as FF .. ( I read you had it for 8 MHz INTERNAL .. but nooo you wrote external ... ooops ... is there any way to force write it back without connecting an 8 MHz oscillator to the chip .. I only got 16 MHz oscillators .. or am I screwed for that chip until I go and get one?
RE: Dynamic change of variable name
the loop will run even at "5".
that is the problem. if you write "i<5" , then it would be ok -
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
OK MY solution was actually the fuses that I said earlier . but confused myself by changing them back and forth a couple of times and downgraded Arduino to the previous version etc.
So the fuses for my barebone 328P are:
proMYSBL8.bootloader.extended_fuses=0xFEthe biggest issue I had was probably with ARduino IDE .. that one I enver manged to set the fuses ( I read somewhere it should.. but maybe IΒ΄m wrong) . Anyway it works when I set the fuses and upload it with AVRDUDESS.
(note: hello me 1 year into the future, just do what I say ! )
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
@neverdie OK, that person who knows something is now ME ! =D ... RTFM ... as always , it worked strangely enough to update ONCE with some slightly wrong Fuses set... reloaded the bootloader with soem correct fuses agian .. ( hopefully alst time .. and VOILA! now it works to update the node multiple times .. yeaa.
RE: PIR Sensor Gives False High in 55 Minutes (Can't find a way to solve)
@vinod-amarathunga my question is more if you measured it?
Also as mentioned. Simplify your code. Brake up your if statements and step it through or debug print it.Then you can go back to your fancy complicated if statements when you now it is working
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
@neverdie Actually... I run into another problem ..
After I make a FOTA and upload a sketch . it runs as it should, no problem.
But if I try to update it again , it never tries to upload the sketch to the node.
The only thing I could find that was clever to do to make it work ok with a battery node was to use smartSleep();
which I do ... is there anything else in the code that needs to be present ? -
RE: PIR Sensor Gives False High in 55 Minutes (Can't find a way to solve)
On PIN 7 ( Pin 3 from your Leonardo) = do you have constant "HIGH" output ?
else if ( priState == LOW && digitalRead(3) == HIGH && digitalRead(7) == HIGH ) { -
RE: DHT22 and DHT lib
@kurtsejr Aaa ok.. yes that is true , I installed all that extra from start so that issue did not appear . good you got it solved !
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
Just tried it by mounting an "empty" 328P in the node just with the
fuses set to:
0xFEand with the MYSBootloader .
Amazing ! . worked at the first try! (this time around =D )
( tried and failed a couple of times earlier, but I know I burned 0xFD instead of 0xFE so set the BOD to the wrong value, and that does not work )
RE: DHT22 and DHT lib
@kurtsejr there is in example for the dht 11 and 22 on the mysensors page. I'll see if I can give you a link. I tried it yesterday and it works
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
OK I had some fun the last couple of days and actually got something done =D !
Managed to update my gateway and repeater-nodes to latest version and boot-loaded all nodes and future nodes so they are FOTA enabled .
So far I managed to assemble 3 nodes and after a bit of swearing and soldering and de-soldering and re-soldering I got:
1 - DHT11 TEMP / HUM node, on Battery (Slim 2AA) - surprisingly accurate actually2 - DOOR-SWITCH - on Battery (Slim 2AA) - to be used in my mailbox, got the idea from someone here in the forums, so thank you, I donΒ΄t remember who it was since I probably read a million posts by now =D
3 - a 220V Relay switch, with the PA LN radio, and works as repeater ( runs on a NANO )
just wanted to say a huge thanks to the MySensors group and all people here on the forum for helping me get started (Had a little break for a couple of years
RE: π¬ FOTA (Wireless Programming)
@guillermo-schimmel Thanks a lot ! I got it all up and running node a couple of nodes. But now I confused myself . I got an Arduino Nano as a node that also acts as a repeater, what bootloader can I push into that one? I assume anycahnnel and 16MHz should do the trick since it got that crystal attached.
And also one thing that is not really clear in my head, I set the "Fuses&Lock bits" with the AVRDudess for my 328P barebone. But do I really need that? . If I load the bootloader in ARduini IDE for example I specify all those settings in the "board.txt" file. Or is that just to tell the IDE what settings is on the chip ?
If I clear these two things up I think I got everything sorted now
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
@neverdie Alright , that took me a couple of days of fighting with Arduino/Linux/windows/drivers/bootloaders etc etc etc but I got it all running with my updated gateway+repeater-node + mailbox-node. did not try the update function yet but surely it should work. just need one or two more repeater-nodes since I have way to thick cement walls here for this signal.
RE: π¬ FOTA (Wireless Programming)
Ok Perfect! , I will give it a go and see what happens . thanks a lot .. I just needed a little confidence boost to get goingYes I wanted to Try to Use FOTA, just to check it out , at least itΒ΄s enabled if I push this bootloader in from the start
RE: π¬ FOTA (Wireless Programming)
@guillermo-schimmel OR Am I making things more complicated than I need? ... maybe it is easier just to copy your hexfile into -->
"ARDUINO_PATH" > hardware > arduino > avr > bootloadersand then burn it in the Arduino IDE ?
RE: π¬ FOTA (Wireless Programming)
Ok so If I push this one "MYSBootloader.ch76.8000000L.RF24_PA_LOW.hex" into the FLASH on my barebone 328P via AVRDudess
It should , in theory at least , do the trick ?
And then After I can upload any sketch on top of it, in the Arduino IDE, with just choosing "Programmer-----> USBasp"
which is what I use to connect to the 328P -
RE: π¬ FOTA (Wireless Programming)
I have a quick question. so I donΒ΄t screw things up more than necessary, What bootloader should I use on a barebone 328p? ... I was just going to burn the "mini pro" that Β΄@Guillermo Schimmel so kindly uploaded on GitHub. but then I realised ..that might be wrong ..
Can anyone guide me about what to burn in, I am making a bunch of" 2AA Slim-nodes"Also I ahve 3 old ones, I actually donΒ΄t remember but If I understood things correct, the Channel have to be the same on all nodes on the network I assume , and by default it is set to Channel 76, unless manually changed in the "old" code before this FOTA-generation?
I think I read too much info so my mind is slightly confused now
so I hope it was clear enough
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
Daaaaang ... it is a good time to be alive and come back to this I see
... thanks a million to you guys that made that one .. that certainly makes changes a whole lot less painful!
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
Good evening!
I had a bit of a break from this forum (approx 3-4 years...) And just got back into it . I managed to put a bootloader into my 328p-pu chip
can anyone just confirm if it is OK to use this bootloader with the version 2.0 board here.
I understand that it should run at 8Mhz to be stable . so I assumed I could use the bootloader that comes with Arduino IDE ?
I flashed this one onto the chip at the moment and will start to solder some of my boards soon. but would like to be sure that it is correct before I go too far
atmega328bb.name=ATmega328 on a breadboard (8 MHz internal clock)
atmega328bb.build.variant=arduino:standard -
RE: π¬ AC-DC double solid state relay module
@Nca78 Thanks alot for the detailed info! really appreciate it. keep it coming pros and cons if any if you notice something
RE: π¬ AC-DC double solid state relay module
this looks like a great project. Have anyone made a complete shopping / whish-list on Alibaba for all the components needed? ( IΒ΄m lookin for safest version possible
Many thanks,
Henrik -
RE: Simple irrigation setup based on pro mini
Here is my idea for you "lack or ports"
http://playground.arduino.cc/Learning/4051a couple of those and you should be fine watering all your plants and your neighbors '
looking for solid core soldering wire
Hello all
I been searching around for solid core wire to use for soldering on a pcb.
and now I gave up searching. it is probably out there or in here even but I can not find it (not any good cheap source anyway)So if anyone can tell me where to buy it please let me know, preferable in Italy, Sweden or Europe, in that order of preference
Thank you
RE: V2.0 and Serial Gateway, can't seem to send from PC
if you put up some code I can have a look at it
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
can someone tell me if I can find Version 2 on the new site: http://dangerousprototypes.com/store/pcbs
?I never ordered any pcbΒ΄s like this before so I donΒ΄t want to get it wrong =D.
If the models are not there to choose from unlike the old website, what file do I need to upload to have them print the board?thanks for any help
RE: My Slim 2AA Battery Node
Hello all
IΒ΄m Henrik, first post here and sort of beginner at this ( use to do some embedded stuff some 15 years ago and picked it up again recently )
I just did a shopping list for this project, Version 2.0 if I got it correct
here it is: http://my.aliexpress.com/wishlist/shared.htm?groupId=3106453469
As an example it should be about 20 euros if you buy to be able to make 5 whole sets.I added 3 additional and optional things to the original BOM:
battery holder + battery connector to make it easier to change them ( I think )
straight pinsI did this for people searching for the components needed that does not have any or very few before starting the project.
Only thing extra needed I think would be some additional cable and a arduino UNO or some other way to program the single chips. But I assume you already have a UNO if you read this
And a soldering iron and that stuff.(if even one person found this useful I guess it fulfilled its purpose)
RE: Slim Node 5V-Mod
Hello looks like a great board. Any progress on the Switch board?//Henrik
RE: Locally attached sensors
just for a test, try to make another constructor without any in-arguments and see if thoose errors persist. just to check. ( I might be way off here. did this stuff 12 years ago and just got back into it )