@TheoL , +1 for broadcasting the workshop ...
Posts made by Dave Dan
RE: Free MySensors 2.0 workshop, Friday 9 September in Amersfoort (The Netherlands)
RE: MySensors 2.0 support
So, quick question:
What's the best way to update a full environment. I have an Ethernet GW with multiple sensors across the house.
If the Serial Protocol hasn't been modified, can I start updating nodes and once all of them are in 2.0 update the GW without loosing functionality? or should I update everything in one shoot?
RE: Global variables without compile again
Actually, now reading the GW code, I think I'm asking for something like the 'metric' variable usually checked in the setup method.
RE: Can't see my nodes on HA web interface
I had the same issue but adding this in the sensor config will make it work:
optimistic: true
I think is related to the fact that your node is not sending confirmation after assigning the new value (activating /deactivating the relay).
Global variables without compile again
Hi all,
I'm trying to find a solution for the following scenario.
Right now I have deloyed ~10 sensor boxes with Motion, Temperature, Humidity & Light level. All of them working without issue.
I'd like to find a way to have some variables outside the Arduino Code that I can change in realtime and that Arduinos will use (let's say by restarting) without needed to recompile and flash them.
My first thinking is to have something in the GW that I can customize and that each and every node will consume.
I think the usage example will be for Sleep timers. When everything is in 'running mode' well, sleeptimer for Temp & Huidity gathering can be high (let's say 1 measurement every 5 minutes). But if I'm testing something or want to investigate if the system works or something being able to alter this value to 10 seconds would be great
Not sure if I'm explaining enough what I'm trying to address but please feel free to help me scope it.
Is there any way I can do this?
Thanks in advance.
RE: Set Dimmer level in a Script
Yup. Got it.
Sorry, wasn't very specific in my ask.
I'm looking for ideas on how to implement this in HA. Still not mastering the language enough to figure this one out.
Thanks sir!!
Set Dimmer level in a Script
Hi All,
I'm trying to find a way to set the value for a Dimmer from a Script.
I know it sounds easy but I've found myseft somehow challenged with this.
The idea is to dim a light to compensate the lack of light in a room so the less light in the room (measured from a light sensor) the high in the dimmer.
thanks in advance.
RE: PCB and 3D print companies
wow, thank you all for all the links!
PCB and 3D print companies
Hi all,
I'm looking for companies that I can send them designs for PCBs and / or 3D designs.
I see in other thread one in http://www.pcbway.com. any experiences from anyone?
Thanks in advance
RE: 2 controllers and 1 gateway - expected behavior??
Thanks for the idea.
Can you share some details on how to do that? I think it would be worth to try.
RE: 2 controllers and 1 gateway - expected behavior??
Well, that makes sense. Thank you sir.
On your question. It depends. Sometimes just works others is like no command has been sent.
So, form whomever have experience on migrating from one controller to another. What would it be the best approach? Shutdown the Vera side and work on HA directly adding all nodes? An step-by-step approach? (Sounds to me like no ... But better check)
2 controllers and 1 gateway - expected behavior??
Hi all,
I'm moving my mysensors nodes from Vera to Home Assistant and I'm finding some issues related to inconsistencies in the info.
Does anybody know if because I'm using 2 controllers at the same time pulling from the same Ethernet gateway they can be impacting each other?
If I stop one of them the behavior is normal. When I have both looks like some commands are not reaching nodes or GW (switch on a relay, etc). This is not consistent either, sometimes goes fine others it's just unmanageable.
Ideas?? Thoughts?
RE: Motion Sensor stopped working on combined sketch ( Hum, Temp, Motion + Bat Level )
Yeah, @TimO Is right.
Check the code example here http://www.mysensors.org/build/motion and look for the gw.sleep sentence.
I have a similar sensor and this is what I have in my scketch:
The problem with your sentenc is that the sleep command is not overridden by the motion detection. You need to include the interruption as part of the sleep command.
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
hey Martin.
Sorry, I've been traveling for a while.
So I just rebuilt my environment and I can't repro the issue anymore.
If you can't either and no one else is experiencing this I think we can close this down. My environment might be the only thing that is creating the issue.
If the issue happen again I can update with the new information.
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
hey @drock1985,
No I didn't test that before, but I just did with the same results
I can see in the log how messages are arriving to HA (see below). It's just I can't see them either in the group I created for them or in the Developer Tools.
16-03-31 09:42:37 DEBUG (Thread-20) [mysensors.mysensors] Received 101;1;1;0;0;20.0 16-03-31 09:42:37 DEBUG (Thread-20) [mysensors.mysensors] Received 101;0;1;0;1;36.0 16-03-31 09:42:37 DEBUG (Thread-20) [mysensors.mysensors] Received 101;3;1;0;16;0
If I go back and restore the previous file I can see them on both the group and the Developer Tools section.
@martinhjelmare, hope this helps as well ... is is there any specific test you want me to perform please let me know.
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
ahh, ok, makes sense.
no problem at all!
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
hey @martinhjelmare,
would it be possible to have an updated compilation with the 0.16 versiΓ³n? I think the one you have above is 0.15 still (or older, right?)
I'd like to do more testing and integrate other items (for example the new Vera integration) with MySensors actuations, etc.
thanks in advance.
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
Exactly that.
maybe something to do with the fact that those items are already included in the DB (for history, etc) and the system can't add them again? (just guessing)
One more thing.
If I move the file and create a new one instead of deleting it. And after trying to add the items again I stop everything and restore the backup everything works again.
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
the persistence once I've added some nodes looks like this:
{"104": {"sketch_version": "1.0", "children": {"0": {"id": 0, "values": {"1": "38.0"}, "type": 7}, "1": {"id": 1, "values": {"0": "22.0"}, "type": 6}, "2": {"id": 2, "values": {"23": "34"}, "type": 16}, "3": {"id": 3, "values": {"16": "0"}, "type": 1}}, "battery_level": 0, "sensor_id": 104, "type": 17, "sketch_name": "dyaSensor (HTLM)"}, "106": {"sketch_version": "1.0", "children": {"0": {"id": 0, "values": {"1": "37.0"}, "type": 7}, "1": {"id": 1, "values": {"0": "22.0"}, "type": 6}, "2": {"id": 2, "values": {"23": "5"}, "type": 16}, "3": {"id": 3, "values": {"16": "0"}, "type": 1}}, "battery_level": 9, "sensor_id": 106, "type": 17, "sketch_name": "dyaSensor (HTLM)"}, "156": {"sketch_version": null, "children": {}, "battery_level": 0, "sensor_id": 156, "type": 17, "sketch_name": null}, "101": {"sketch_version": "1.2", "children": {"0": {"id": 0, "values": {"1": "34.0"}, "type": 7}, "1": {"id": 1, "values": {"0": "21.0"}, "type": 6}, "2": {"id": 2, "values": {}, "type": 16}, "3": {"id": 3, "values": {"16": "0"}, "type": 1}}, "battery_level": 0, "sensor_id": 101, "type": 17, "sketch_name": "dyaSensor (HTLM) v1.2"}, "102": {"sketch_version": "1.0", "children": {"0": {"id": 0, "values": {"1": "36.0"}, "type": 7}, "1": {"id": 1, "values": {"0": "18.0"}, "type": 6}, "2": {"id": 2, "values": {"23": "69"}, "type": 16}, "3": {"id": 3, "values": {"16": "0"}, "type": 1}}, "battery_level": 2, "sensor_id": 102, "type": 17, "sketch_name": "dyaSensor (HTLM)"}}
after my modification (meaning, clear everything) looks this way:
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
Hey @martinhjelmare,
I've been able to do some tests this time.
From a Sensoring standpoint (retreive information from sensors to show in dashboard) works perfetly fine.
I found the issue that I was referring before.
Let's say you have already included a number of nodes and everything is working but for any reason you want to reset and start again. My logic was to remove the MSPersistance.json file, create a new one and the system will reconfigure again.
What I'm seeing is that if you do that the system enters in a limbo situation where no nodes are added but those that were beforer are not added either. you can't see them in the dashboard nor in the Developers Tools section.
Next step is to start testing relays, dimmers, etc.
Let me know if you need more detils on the scenario.
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
thanks for the hint ... definetly a typo :$
Yes, I'm monitoring the GW with MYSController as my GW is ethernet and I see all messages showing with no issue. But, I'll be happy to review again.
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
Hey @martinhjelmare
Does the above reply to @drock1985 means that I can do a basic installation as per https://home-assistant.io/
pip3 install homeassistant hass --open-ui
followed by
sudo pip3 install "https://github.com/MartinHjelmare/home-assistant/archive/mysensors-tcp-gateway.zip"
and will have a valid testing env without going into all the above steps of creating a virtualenv??
If so I'd rather more this avenue because I can clean up everything with a new installation, install the zip and have a new testing env in minutes
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
hey Martin,
that's correct, those are the 2 items I saw that was little curious about.
The sketch I'm using, while custom, is a mix of different sketches that can be found in the MySensors page.
As you'll see below, each node (which are identical) have all the information (Sketch name, version, etc). And all of them have 4 childs:
- Ambient Humidity
- Ambient Temperature
- Ambient Light
- Movement (Motion Sensor Trip).But I might have something wrong so ... happy to learn!
#include <SPI.h> #include <MySensor.h> #include <DHT.h> #define NODE_ID 102 #define SKETCH_NAME "dyaSensor (HTLM) v1.2" #define SKETCH_VERSION "1.2" #define CHILD_ID_HUM 0 #define CHILD_ID_TEMP 1 #define CHILD_ID_LIGHT 2 #define CHILD_ID_MOV 3 #define HUMIDITY_SENSOR_DIGITAL_PIN 4 #define DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR 3 // The digital input you attached your motion sensor. (Only 2 and 3 generates interrupt!) #define INTERRUPT DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR-2 // Usually the interrupt = pin -2 (on uno/nano anyway) #define LIGHT_SENSOR_ANALOG_PIN 0 #defin TEMP_CORRECTION 2 unsigned long SLEEP_TIME = 1000; // Sleep time between reads (in milliseconds) MySensor gw; DHT dht; float lastTemp; float lastHum; int lastLightLevel; boolean metric = true; //Building Messages MyMessage msgHum(CHILD_ID_HUM, V_HUM); // Initialize humidity message MyMessage msgTemp(CHILD_ID_TEMP, V_TEMP); // Initialize temperature message MyMessage msgLum(CHILD_ID_LIGHT, V_LIGHT_LEVEL); // Initialize Light message MyMessage msgMov(CHILD_ID_MOV, V_TRIPPED); // Initialize motion message void setup() { gw.begin(NULL, NODE_ID, false); dht.setup(HUMIDITY_SENSOR_DIGITAL_PIN); // Send the Sketch Version Information to the Gateway gw.sendSketchInfo(SKETCH_NAME, SKETCH_VERSION); pinMode(DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR, INPUT); // sets the motion sensor digital pin as input // Register all sensors to gw (they will be created as child devices) Serial.println("Presenting Humidity Sensor"); gw.present(CHILD_ID_HUM, S_HUM, "Humidity Sensor"); Serial.println("Presenting Temperature Sensor"); gw.present(CHILD_ID_TEMP, S_TEMP, "Temperature Sensor"); Serial.println("Light Level Sensor"); gw.present(CHILD_ID_LIGHT, S_LIGHT_LEVEL, "Light Level Sensor"); Serial.println("Presenting Motion Sensor"); gw.present(CHILD_ID_MOV, S_MOTION, "Motion Sensor"); metric = gw.getConfig().isMetric; } void loop() { // By calling process() you route messages in the background gw.process(); delay(dht.getMinimumSamplingPeriod()); float temperature = dht.getTemperature()-TEMP_CORRECTION; if (isnan(temperature)) { Serial.println("Failed reading temperature from DHT"); } else if (temperature != lastTemp) { lastTemp = temperature; if (!metric) { temperature = dht.toFahrenheit(temperature); } gw.send(msgTemp.set(temperature, 1)); Serial.print("- T: "); Serial.println(temperature); } float humidity = dht.getHumidity(); if (isnan(humidity)) { Serial.println("Failed reading humidity from DHT"); } else if (humidity != lastHum) { lastHum = humidity; gw.send(msgHum.set(humidity, 1)); Serial.print("- H: "); Serial.println(humidity); } int lightLevel = (1023-analogRead(LIGHT_SENSOR_ANALOG_PIN))/10.23; if (lightLevel != lastLightLevel) { lastLightLevel = lightLevel; gw.send(msgLum.set(lightLevel)); Serial.print("- L: "); Serial.println(lightLevel); } // Read digital motion value boolean tripped = digitalRead(DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR) == HIGH; gw.send(msgMov.set(tripped?"1":"0")); // Send tripped value to gw Serial.println(tripped?"- Movement Detected":"- No Movement Detected"); gw.sleep(INTERRUPT,CHANGE, SLEEP_TIME); }
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
Consistence file:
{"156": {"sketch_version": null, "children": {}, "battery_level": 0, "sketch_name": null, "type": 17, "sensor_id": 156}, "102": {"sketch_version": null, "children": {}, "battery_level": 0, "sketch_name": null, "type": 17, "sensor_id": 102}}
the Configuration is very light. Actually is the by default config and i just added this to test MySensors:
mysensors: gateways: - device: 192.168.1.X persistence_file: '/home/pi/.homeassistant/MSPersistence.json' tcp_port: 5003 debug: true persistence: true version: '1.5'
let me know if you need anything else.
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
Ok, couple of things that I'm seeing now.
Everytime I restart the server the MySensor nodes are no longer in the system. I have to restart them to get them in again. All of them are in the persistence file.
Now i can only have 1 node added.
While in the persistence file I see multiple nodes, once I add one of them I can't add anymore. No error if fired (at least not that I've seen).
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
actually, I just got it working ...
yes, I was referrring to that. The way I have built the sensor is that everytime a movement is detected is sending all sensors statuses to the GW. This sensors are designed to be plugged (no battery powered) so no concern on power consumption.
I restarted the server and now updates are working.
What I'm seeing in the log is constantly this message:
16-03-14 10:39:53 INFO (Thread-9) [mysensors.mysensors] Permission denied when writing to /home/pi/dev/home-assistant/path/mysensors3.jsonIf I'm not wrong this is the persistence.
Apart of this I now see updates coming in ...
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
Hey @martinhjelmare,
I finally got this working.
I'm doing tests with a couple of multi-sensors (Temp, Hum, Light & motion). The discovery worked very well, no issue at all after following all the above steps.
What I'm not seeing wotking are the updates. I always see the same values. I'm checking messages with MYSController and I see the GW is receiving the events and updates but I can't see new values showing in the portal.
Still testing ...
Conditional group visibility
hi again,
I was wondering if is there any way I can create groups that will show based on conditions.
For example, I have an Input Selector for the Home Mode ( tipical Home, Away, etc. ) but also have others that will complete that with how I want it to behave, good example is the one in the help section:
I'm at Home with Visitors.
How can I hide, a group based on what is selected on that one?
thanks in advance.
PS: Any preference on where can we drop ideas as a potential new features instead of here? or here is a good place?
RE: Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
Sing me up for testing if you need more testers.
Thanks for your reply!!
Any plan to implement Ethernet GW?
Hi guys,
I spend all day yesterday playing with Home Assistant and I must say I'm really impressed wit the UI and how easy some items are for configuring. Still I want to move forward and connect a GW and start connecting nodes, etc.
In my current MySensors implementation I'm using Ethernet GW.
Is there any plan to include this GW??
Don't want to change all my installation before testing fully HA.
RE: Backlit Dimmable LED Mirror with Motion Sensor
Cool, thanks for the quick reply.
I'm going to test this this weekend and see if I can make it work
RE: include a sensor a second time?
Isn't it rebooting-like every day like 3 am or something like that ?? (I think I saw something like that somewere or just need to sleep little more :$ )
RE: Vera Edge and Mysensors Ethernet gateway - "Cannot send command"
well, not that agressive but I'm also experiencing some issues with the GW with this configuration.
I mainly use the system to gather information, not a lot of actuator yet, so I ended up setting an IP watcher and I'm seeing the GW dropping from network very often.
In my case it self-repairs and comes back online in less than a minute.
Wondering if any other is having this experience as well.
RE: include a sensor a second time?
Reset Vera means reconfigure everything again right?
RE: Backlit Dimmable LED Mirror with Motion Sensor
I have a question on this project.
I'm replicating it for a wider mirror and I was thinking about having two separate dimming zones ( left and right ). based on the sketch and the design: Do you think One arduino can control both sides or do I need 2 different arduinos (+ electronics) and one won't be enough.
Happy to details more if needed.
thanks in advance!
RE: [Tutorial] openHAB with serial gateway
Try removing DEBUG in the Serial GW and review messages.
I receive a 0 or 1 depending if the motion is detected or the sensor is resetting to normal status.
RE: Send comands just once?
Looks like as the sensor is receiving that value, the scene is runs again. I'd think that will be reviewed in cycles based on the lua engine (just a guess). Why 2 times and not every XX minutes? no idea, sorry.
Maybe you just need to tweak the scene to not to run when the shutter is down (?).
my 2 cents
RE: Code for Repeaters ...
Thank you all ...
that was what I was looking for.
Code for Repeaters ...
Hi Guys,
I'm sure I missed, but I can't find any specific page about how to build a repeater.
Arduino network is growing here and some of them ( the distant ones ) are starting to have problems to receive commands. For example a relay ... I see messages in the GW but due to interferences or objects in between node and GW this is not 100% working so I'm thinking on start adding some repeaters to ensure reception.
Any pointer on a page where this is explained?
Also would like to understand how the assignment of a nodo to a repeater works. I've seen some notes on comments but not finding full specs.
Thanks in advance.
RE: Video How To - Phoney TV
LMs is Logitech Media Server. It's the same as Sonos (more like 'hand made') based on a Server (LMS) and clients (as Sonos Speakers).
I was looking for a solution to stream music across the house having also the ability to sync specific speakers to sound same time / same music.
Tried some solutions, started to think on Sonos (too expensive for me) so I started to investigate LMS.
The current version is distributed for free here: http://www.mysqueezebox.com/download. You can install this in a Raspberry Pi (I have my server in a RPI 1 and goes pretty fast).
Then the Clients (Speakers) I use PiCorePlayer (https://sites.google.com/site/picoreplayer/home/news) with a HiFi HAT attached to each client (https://www.hifiberry.com/).
There's a plugin for Vera and works super cool with OpenHab.
Let me know if you have questions. I'll be happy to share specifics.
RE: Video How To - Phoney TV
you can also use LMS. Cheaper, open source ...
I like this project, thanks for sharing!
RE: Where can I find information about over-the-air updates?
Thank you @diamantmatch,
That's exactly what I was looking for.
Some pre-steps in order to get there (modify the GW from Serial to Ethernet, etc.) but I think makes sense as you mention for nodes embedded in wall, etc. or simply when you move to 10+ and you need to update something ... just too much time (and effort) to just update 1 item.
RE: openHAB 2.0 binding
I've been testing this on my side and I have to say that is excellent.
Very well integrated with the 'Things' discovery model for OH2, etc.
The only thing that is really stopping me to move forward is OH itself. I have several (and somehow disapointing) experiences that makes me feel that is still very beta. Not sure if anyone have any update on when the RTM is expected???
Great work @TimO ! ! !
RE: [Tutorial] openHAB with serial gateway
hey @nikos1671,
good to hear you have it under control.
Also, please take a look to the 'sensorToItemsMap' definition. If I remember correctly, the last item in the last item, otherwise the compiler is waiting for another item.
This is something that happened to me every time I include any new item (you know, copy & paste ... bad thing :P).
The fact that you have to wait hours to get the battery status is odd. When I restart one of my nodes ( one with battery level) I have the information inmediately available, well ... as soon as the node sends the information, and fully refreshed in openhab site.
it's true I've had different update speeds but basically because I did my first tests with ah Raspberry Pi 1 and now I have all the system working in a Pi 2 ... so goes faster (very much).
RE: Vera Edge
I'm using the Serial GW with no change from the web site. Didn't have to call Vera Support for anything. Happy to share version numbers, etc. if you want ( and if you tell me where to find them :P) but sounds little odd you have poblems and I don't.
I'm starting to think I should be thinking about moving to Ethernet GW ...
RE: Vera Edge
hey @stevebus,
I see in your signature you are posting data from your environment to Azure ... can you please share how are you doing that? I was planning investigate this and include PowerBI to 'dashborize' some results
RE: How To: 2 Door Chime Automation Hack (Thanks @petewill)
I like the idea ... adding to my to-do list
Offtopic, I know and sorry but, what do you guys use to do this draws??? ... I'm using PCB Designer which is cool but not that cool ...
RE: [Tutorial] openHAB with serial gateway
Hi @nikos1671,
everytime I had that error was mainly because I forgot / add extra comma in the LinkedHastMap definition or something like that.
Can you please share the full openHAB rule?
Where can I find information about over-the-air updates?
hi Guys,
I'm reading in some posts about the ability for over-the-air updates. If that is what I think, it's the ability to update nodes with new code without having to plug them phisically to a PC, etc, etc, etc... How far am I from reality?
If my assumption is correct, where can I find information about this? I'm very interested as I'm starting to have some nodes deployed inside / outside home and any update is slow
If it's not, how can this be archived?
thanks for the info.
RE: Vera Edge
I'm using Vera Edge with Serial Gateway.
Is not bad, well let me explain you first. I'm developer, I like very much the flexibility of OpenHAB for example. Vera provided me the best option for zWave devices (which I don't have yet ... but).I have Environmental Sensors (Temp, Hum, Light, Movement) all over the house and for now is working ok.
I feel there're things where Vera is not were I'd like to see it but maybe because I still need to learn more on it.
Visual integration is not one of my favourite things I have to say, but well, trying to get use to it
RE: Led Ring ideas?
Well, first of all thank you all for the help.
I've been doing some tests this days ... also tried with the same configuration a relay node and had exactly the same issue.
Well ... as soon as I changed the arduino to a 5V one, everything worked.
Project completed.
Thank you all!!!
RE: Led Ring ideas?
Thanks @bjornhallberg for the reply.
yeah, I think I think that I'm having some sort of leveling issue ... maybe the PC is just simply balancing it and making it transparent for me but when I move to the converter, bubbles up.
I've tried with a separate 5V to feed the Ring.
I might need to test yout your said and move everything to 5V ... ...
RE: Led Ring ideas?
I included a 100uF cap and had the same results.
Honestly I'm starting to think that I burnt the ring but then I try again with the PC USB and everything works! .. little frustrating
RE: OpenHab and RGB led strip
What gateway you have?
I have mine with Serial gateway and is very simple. I Just write the command with the color code and in the incoming message in the arduino I set the color to the leds (in my case a Ring).
I'm in the office right now, but I can share code later if you want.
RE: Led Ring ideas?
Hey Guys,
I'm playing with this for a little while and I'm finding myself in a funny scenario.
I have an arduino pro mini 3.3v feed with 5V directly in the raw pin from the PC via USB. Wireless connected to the VCC in the arduino.
I have also one of this NeoPixel Rings (16 leds) connected to the same 5V source. Everything works fine, connected to OpenHAB via Serial gateway I get the current color set, I can set the new colors, send commands, etc.
Now, the prototype works, it's time to set up the final build and use this!
I have a 5V charger (you know, the regular phone charger) so I connect all to this and then the Ring starts to behave weird: Sometimes not all the leds are active, other times just sets the colors it wants not the command I'm sending from OpenHAB.
If I dissconnect from the USB charger and connect back to the PC everything works.
I've measured the connections with a multimeter and I can see 5Vs in the ring. My first thougt was: 'Dude, not enough power ... give it more' so I plug the NeoPixel Ring directly to one USB Charger and the arduino, etc with another. Same behavior.
I know I'm missing something very basic, but I can't find what ...
RE: openhab sendCommand problem with serialbinding (Solved)
@Shasha, have you tried this? https://github.com/openhab/openhab/wiki/Rules#concurrency-guard
I'm currently trying the same (because I have the same issue) and wondering if you tried this before.
RE: Where can I get more information on the project 'Mood Light' ??
well, here's the thing.
I have 2 of those at home and looks like is the best way to sell this things to my wife! so ... I'll start with this.
@AWI, I'm running with openHAB. I have also a VeraEdge here but ... I don't really like it very much. I think I haven't found the trick yet ...
RE: Where can I get more information on the project 'Mood Light' ??
thank you!
that's what I was looking for
RE: Where can I get more information on the project 'Mood Light' ??
ups, sorry, I though I pasted the link,
So, is the last video in the Videos Section: http://www.mysensors.org/about/videos by Wiebe Nieuwenhuis. but I tried to find it in the examples, forum, etc. and couldn't find it
@Fabien: Yes, that's the channel.
Where can I get more information on the project 'Mood Light' ??
Well, as the title mention, Where can I get more information on the project 'Mood Light' ?? I'm interested on this one and would like to have some more details on the sketch, how it was built, etc.
I can't find anything in the forum so wondering if is already posted somewhere.
RE: [Tutorial] openHAB with serial gateway
Ok cool.
That means that I'm doing something else wrong bc I still see that part after disabling DEBUG.I'm curious on why having the same sketch + openHAB rule from thia thread I xan make it work ...
Will review carefully because sounds weird for me.
RE: [Tutorial] openHAB with serial gateway
hey hek, thanks for the quick reply.so that means that if i disable DEBUG in the arduino skech I'll remove that part of the message?
RE: [Tutorial] openHAB with serial gateway
Hi guys,
I'm running in an interesting issue here, posting to see where I'm missing a step.
I have a Serial Gateway, connected to openHAB and working without issue. I see messages from the arduino Monitor and I can see the messages in openHAB without issue.
I'm running openHAB on Raspberry PI. arduino connected to PI by USB (on serial port /dev/ttyUSB0) declared as below:
String itmSensor_gateway_rawmessage { serial="/dev/ttyUSB0@115200" }
The problem that I'm facing is related to the parse process ( I think ).
Message sent from my node:
send: 124-124-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:32.0
with this code:
This is the section of the arduino sketch that I'm using to send the Humidity status:float humidity = dht.getHumidity(); if (isnan(humidity)) { Serial.println("Failed reading humidity from DHT"); } else if (humidity != lastHum) { lastHum = humidity; gw.send(msgHum.set(humidity, 1)); Serial.print("H: "); Serial.println(humidity); numAttemptsHum = 0; } else { Serial.print("Attempt "); Serial.print(numAttemptsHum); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(MAX_NUM_ATTEMPTS_HUM); Serial.print(" - Same Humidity level presented"); Serial.print(" (Previous:"); Serial.print(lastHum); Serial.print(" vs Current: "); Serial.print(humidity); Serial.println(") - not sending"); numAttemptsHum ++; if ( numAttemptsHum > MAX_NUM_ATTEMPTS_HUM ) { lastHum = 0; numAttemptsHum = 0; } }
(it's based on the Humidity & Temp example with minor changes to avoid traffic witout reducing the sampling frequency but with consistent updates based on a specific threshold.).
Message received in openHAB:
13:27:54.142 [DEBUG] [b.serial.internal.SerialDevice:194 ] - Received message '0;0;3;0;9;read: 124-124-0 s=0,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,sg=0:31.0 ' on serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
So at this point I see that all messages are type 3 ( not 1 as in the above example ).
That message updates my openHAB item, as per this example I have a rule that descompose the original message ( no modifications done yet to the one posted here ).
So, when I finally get to the core msg ( the one that in this example is directly assigned to the openHAB item ) the value is:
124-124-0 s=0,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,sg=0:31.0
instead of the 31.0 that I was expecting.
Any ideas?
(happy to provide more sections of code if needed, didn't want to put everyting here to avoid garbage)
Thanks in advance for any help.