If you have two nodes with the same ID, the MySensors system can not work good. You solve this by clearing the EEPROM, see https://www.mysensors.org/build/debug at least for one of the nodes. After this, the gateway will send a new node id to the node.
Posts made by Michiel van der Wulp
RE: problem with Dallas temperature
RE: 💬 Domoticz
Also the MQTT gateway is supported according https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/MySensors
It even supports new node ID generation. -
RE: A more convenient Arduino Uno
I even managed to solder a nRF24L01+ to the board so everything works on 3.3Volt, and this node works fine.
This took a lot of scratching copper from the board... -
RE: A more convenient Arduino Uno
I also have a few of such Arduino Unos with a 3.3V selection switch from the shop "Open Smart" on Aliexpress.
See picture at: https://michiel.vanderwulp.be/domotica/Modules/ArduinoUno/#open-smart-3-3v-5v-switchable-uno-specification-1
They work fine, also on 3.3V.But indeed, running it at 16MHz on 3.3V is out of spec...
RE: Contribution Issue with CLA and clahub.com
At "https://www.mysensors.org/download/contributing#coding-guidelines-core-library", under "Signing CLA", the link to clahub.com is since long dead.
Maybe you can follow this example: https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/2036
and replace with https://cla-assistant.io/ ? -
RE: CR2032 coin cells - expected life?
@canyouhearmenow : in stead of the internal pull-up resistor for the reed contact, I used an external one of 3.3MOhm. Is that a good idea?
RE: Automate RF 433 MHz Dooya motor control
I have two Dooya motors DT82TN with a DC2760 remote control, which is 433MHz.
After a lot of investigations and experiments, I got them working with Domoticz (running on a Raspberry Pi), using the following:-
A Broadlink RM2 (RM Pro+) which supports 433MHz. The official Broadlink app is cloudbased and can "learn" the codes to operate the Dooya, but I abandoned this since I want integration with my domotica system, not just another app on my phone.
The software at https://github.com/mjg59/python-broadlink works with Broadlink devices, but does not integrate well with the RM2. So, I only use this for my thermostat, not for the Dooya curtains.
The "official" Domoticz plugin described at https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Plugins/BroadlinkRM2.html is an old version, that is not supported any more - as stated at the top of the page.
The "zak45" Domoticz plugin that works is described at https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=33223#p251517 to be downloaded at zak45's Nextcloud drive: https://synnas.publicvm.com:4430/s/Czn9r8G8QwrZ7ji
This latter plugin is not easy to use, and has special added webpages to Domoticz. It is however able to use the RM2 to "learn" IR and RF codes from the UI of Domoticz. However, there is a bug due to which the learning of RF codes does not work from the UI.
I was able to use the command line on the RaspberryPi with the above given plugins to detect Broadlink devices. And this way, I could also learn the 4 RF codes I needed for my 2 curtains: open/close for each. This gave me the code as some numbers, which I stored in a text file.
Since the IR learning works, I used this to learn 4 commands, and then looked where these codes were stored on the Raspberry, and replaced them with the RF codes. This was easy.
Just a tip: I used Dolphin with fish://raspberrypi/ to browse and edit the files on the Raspberry from my desktop PC.
RE: 💬 Code Contribution Guidelines
Under "Signing CLA", the link to clahub.com is since long dead.
Maybe you can follow this example: https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/2036
and replace with https://cla-assistant.io/ ? -
RE: 2021 EU customs regulatory changes — where should I buy now?
In Belgium, the aliexpress price now includes taxes, and we do not pay for import, just like @Tmaster described for Portugal. So, it is still cheap...
RE: Safe AC dimmer with code
@Dbagioni said in Safe AC dimmer with code:
Which pin do you use? The comments say something else (twice) than the code.
Which CPU do you use?
For many Arduinos, you can only use pin 2 and 3. -
RE: PlatformIO and Sensebender
Tested this today: it works fine!
In the meanwhile,I also found this:
https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/2725/sensebender-micro/30My platformio.ini file:
[platformio] src_dir = WindowOpenSensor [env:sensebender-micro] platform = atmelavr board = pro8MHzatmega328 framework = arduino monitor_speed = 19200 lib_deps = 548 ; MySensors
RE: Help modifying sketch for rf-nano
The comments at the top in the first two sketches mention the pin numbers of the CE and CS pins reversed, the code itself is correct.
The third sketch lacks these definitions, so it won't work. -
RE: PlatformIO and Sensebender
Can I use this board to use the Sensebender micro with Platformio?
This is the 3.3V 8MHz version of the Arduino Pro Mini, which seems correct to me. -
RE: how to post a new sensor sketch?
I gave some remarks on the code, which were processed.
If there is a feeling that adding the HeatIndex complicates the example, maybe this example should be a separate file, named "DhtHeatIndexSensor"? -
RE: Better battery reporting
@thierryd Nice idea.
Two remarks:
You write in the cpp file:
if (BatteryType == 2) {
/* LiPo voltage ...You probably mean here "AA voltage"
The AA batteries you talk about are Alkaline (not rechargeable)?
The values are different for NiMH rechargeable (which I always use). -
RE: Devices are not showing some sensors on the node
@gohan yes it confuses me too. I have a similar situation where my node with 2 sensors is recognized by Domoticz as 3 devices like: Temp, Hum, Temp+Hum.
Apparently Domoticz is able to recognize that the different sensors belong together, but sometimes, there is a disturbance or bad reception in one sensor message, and then Domoticz creates a new device for it.
That would not be such a problem, except that you do not know which device to show on the Domoticz dashboard. Personally, I choose the combined one, ignore the others, and live with it.
I do not know if this is a bug for the Domoticz people, maybe they can resolve this?
Regards, Michiel
RE: Doubling amount of soil sensors using transistors?
Oh, I just remembered, a 4051 contains a 1-of-8 multiplexer, and is cheap.
Look also at the 4052 which contains two 1-of-4 multiplexers.
Search on ebay for: 4051 DIP -
RE: Doubling amount of soil sensors using transistors?
I would use a 4067 IC for the analog voltage, and probably a second 4067 to switch the power. Then you will only need one analog line of the Arduino, and a few digital lines.
See http://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/HEF4067B.pdf
The 4067 is one of the 4000 series CMOS chips, which work with 3V to 15V power supply. It contains a 1-of-16 multiplexer of analog switches. For a smaller number of analog switches, you could use 4016 or 4066. -
RE: Gateway just another sensor node?
Please check if you are not having resets in your gateway due to this:
Michiel -
RE: 💬 Sensebender Micro
@meddie : Sure, I can:
The following is an extract from the code shown at https://www.mysensors.org/view/1/Sensebender-Micro, from the "loop()" function:
#ifndef MY_OTA_FIRMWARE_FEATURE if ((measureCount == 5) && highfreq) { clock_prescale_set(clock_div_8); // Switch to 1Mhz for the reminder of the sketch, save power. highfreq = false; } #endif
If you remove these lines, it will stay on 8MHz.
(I did not test this but I am quite sure) -
RE: 💬 Sensebender Micro
@tbowmo : The code to switch the frequency back to 1MHz is still there at https://www.mysensors.org/view/1/Sensebender-Micro.
Should it be removed? -
RE: Vera Plugin - Can't Press start for inclusion on Gateway
Please check if you are not having resets in your gateway due to this:
Michiel -
RE: 💬 Sensebender Micro
OK, I understand.
My confusion was caused by the second sentence at https://www.mysensors.org/hardware/micro : "... it operates at 1Mhz ..."
That's a mistake then? -
RE: 💬 Sensebender Micro
To reprogram the sketch in a sensbender micro, wich processor frequency do I choose?
After choosing Board "Sensebender Micro", the menu in Arduino 1.6.12 has choice Processor "Atmega328 8MHz" and "Atmega328 1MHz".
My code seems to be executed equally fine with both settings.
But the Arduino Serial Monitor not:If I choose the 1MHz version, the Serial monitor only produces garbage, whatever setting I choose for baud (in the sketch and in the serial monitor UI).
If I choose the 8MHz version, the serial monitor works fine.
I am confused. The Sensebender is a 1MHz device, isn't it? Is it able to run on 8MHz too?
Upgrade sensors to 2.1.0 incompatible with 2.0 gateway?
The upgrade to 2.1.0 "should be fully backward compatible with your controller".
My tests make me presume that updating sensor nodes to 2.1.0 without updating the gateway is not possible. Is that correct?Maybe this is a problem (my sensors use no signing)?
https://github.com/mysensors/MySensors/pull/745/commits/ed75b16ea2d972b544e9719304d15f6ac1d18851 -
RE: GatewayW5100 - unable to get working w/ v2.0.0
Thanks, I got it working with the downgrade described in https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/4680/mysensors-2-0-ethernet-gateway-atmega-w5100-restart-all-time/9
RE: MySensors 2.0 Ethernet gateway Atmega+W5100) restart all time
Thanks, I tried this solution.
The problem was described also in https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/4462/gatewayw5100-unable-to-get-working-w-v2-0-0/2
The "Arduino AVR Boards" 1.6.11 works fine, the 1.6.14 not. -
RE: GatewayW5100 - unable to get working w/ v2.0.0
This issue is not solved - nobody gave any other solution than try with an older version..
I still have this problem with Arduino IDE 1.6.7 as well with 1.6.12.
Reverting to an older IDE is not a solution, merely a temporary work-around.
Is there a library problem?