@รอเร-อ Then I suggest you please re-READ, and as I suggested, Google, as Abraham Lincoln once said, "Never believe absolutely everything you read on the Internet".
The 5v is irrelevant other than the threshold voltage which registers as a HIGH to it's I2C control.
The 3v3 as Master dictates the HIGH as a factor of it's VCC on the I2C bus. THAT is the issue.
As Vcc is never absolutely accurate you may strike lucky on a 3v3, there again you might not, your choice...
EDIT - To avoid any confusion, what I am referring to here is conventional I2C system. The input HIGH for a 5v is say 0.7 of Vcc, so 3.5v is required on the 5v I2C line to register as a HIGH. Even if a 3.3v Arduino were to put full Vcc on the I2C line it is just below the threshold for the 5v device. That is where the factor I referred to comes in, and I read elsewhere it can be 0.6 but cannot recall which device that referred to. Hopefully that clarifies what I was referring to.