NRF serial to usb for gateway?
currently i'm using an RPI3 for mysensor gateway, i would like to move the gateway off the pi and to a small linux pc that i have. but it has no gpio ports for the NRF module.
does anyone know if i could use something like this instead?
With enough coding almost anything is possible. But wouldn't it be easier to build a serial gateway?
@mfalkvidd said in NRF serial to usb for gateway?:
With enough coding almost anything is possible. But wouldn't it be easier to build a serial gateway?
I agree with that. A nano is 1/3 of the price of this adapter and will do the job with 0 effort.
@mfalkvidd @Nca78 I already have the Rpi 3 as a gateway, I also have a serial gateway (arduino) not in use.
my goal is/was to combine tasks. i have several intel nuc type PC's that have free resources. so i wanted to eliminate the uni-tasker and move it onto an existing pc.
at $9 cost is not a factor.
is the gateway code ARM only? or would it compile on x86?
if it's going to be a huge under taking, i won't mess with it. i have to many other projects at the moment.
i just didn't know if it would be an easy conversion.
why not just put it on a Nano? if I was starting from scratch I would just buy some RF Nano's
no soldering or anything for the gateway you just need to plug it into PC upload the example serial gateway code and then plug it into the NUC or whatever and you are done.. serial to USB gateway completed in 5min
@mvader I don't think the gateway is arm only, but that's not the big difference. The gateway code is written for direct access to the radio over SPI so the entire communication would have to be rewritten to match whatever commands the thing you linked to supports.
I looked at the wiring of the map :
It is accessible on :
Connections 9 and 10 are reversed from the recommended connection :
How do I change the library to exchange both legs ?
Thank you very much for your work.
Welcome to the MySensors community @Pascal-JEANPIERRE !
This should be sufficient to reverse the pins:
#define MY_RF24_CE_PIN 10 #define MY_RF24_CS_PIN 9
(add it in your sketch, before including MySensors.h)
Thank you for the welcome.
I think your work is wonderful.
I actually place the two proposed lines and it works perfectly...
I am an electronics teacher and I work with 14- and 15-year-old students to set up a connected greenhouse. We're going to use Domoticz on a Rasberry Pi with your work "MySensors".
I would place on the site a small tuto for the set-up. I'd link it to you.
Thank you again.
Great work @Pascal-JEANPIERRE, thanks for reporting back.
@Dreded thanks for the link. i wish it had a spot for an external antenna but i suppose it would be good enough to get it out of the way.
@Pascal-JEANPIERRE It is awesome you are trying to teach your students about automation, but PLEASE if you are going to teach it using arduino etc and cant even change a #define statement(that is located at the top of a file written in plain english) take a simple arduino course of some sort or a C programming course.
this stuff is super simple to learn and a few evening of effort on your end will go very far to teach properly.
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@Dreded Thank you for your encouragement, I would not fail to contact you for any explanations as simple as you described it.