Controllers and Graph
What is the best controller if you want to do graphs?
I have bought a VeraEdge, but it seems impossible to get “Mysensor” data concerted to Graphs, or do I miss something? – I don’t think that I ever have bought a product with such bad documentation as VeraEdge/UI7.
I have tried DomotiGa on a RasPi, but had problems with the web client, but it was ok and not so critical with the format from different MySensors as VeraAny suggestions for nice looking graphs?
Didi you take a look at Domoticz. It now has MySensors integration..
@Kurtsejr said:
Any suggestions for nice looking graphs?
there is a lot on here on the MySensors board...
same opinion with @BulldogLowell, I'll vote free version enough for me.
And it support my programming languages also platforms.
thanks @BulldogLowell , it seams that if I will keep my VeraEdge investment, it to go. I will see if can find some simple examples.
Graphs in Domoticz looks very nice. They are using HighCharts for graphs.
Wait we can(relatively easily?) tie our Vera data to How did I miss that??