gw.send( ) and transmission errors

  • Contest Winner

    I wanted to start more of a discussion on best practices in programming.

    I have a specific example to start from, one that I have been dealing with for quite some time

    Form time to time, I experience what I'll refer to as "missed messages."

    These are commands sent to a node that:

    • may not result in a change of state or
    • a change of state may result, but the controller does not receive a message and the controller is then out of sync with the node

    To correct my missed messages problem, I have been messing around adding delays to my code (thinking it is related to the radio/power):

    gw.send(msg.set(state), true);

    but still not able to get total reliability, so I tried this:

      state = !state;
      while(!gw.send(msg.set(state), true))

    and it works very well. You can see an example response where the missed message gets re-transmitted:

    send: 5-5-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=2,l=2,st=ok:1
    read: 0-0-5 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=2,l=2:1
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=2,l=2,st=fail:0  <<< missed
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=2,l=2,st=fail:0  <<< missed
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=2,l=2,st=ok:0    <<< third time's a charm!
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=2,l=2,st=ok:1
    read: 0-0-5 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=2,l=2:1

    Im working with this alternative as well:

      state = !state;
        gw.send(msg.set(state), true);

    now, if the radio is marginally out of range or there is some interference, well we could be sitting here for a long time hanging up the program. so I thought to ask the forum for ideas/suggestions here.

  • Hero Member

    Maybe I am misunderstanding your question but what about adding a timer to the loop?

  • Admin

    If you want to wait a bit (and still want to receive messages) you should use the provided gw.wait(<msec>). Calling delay() will halt everything and you will lose incoming messages.

  • Contest Winner


    OK, so you think like this, then?...

    state = !state;
    while(!gw.send(msg.set(state), true))

  • Looks like MySensors library API docs is missing this useful wait function.

  • Admin

    To be absolutely sure you're message has been received you must use the ack-functionality. Here are some untested pseudo-like code that should do re-send unless ack is received (with the correct payload).

    int lastReceivedState = -1;
    void setup() {
    void loop() {
      int newState = readSomSateYouWantToSend();
      if (newState != lastReceivedState) {
        gw.send(msg.set(newState), true); // Enable ack
        gw.wait(500); // Wait 500 msec before sending another message
    void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message)
        // Assuming we only receive ack for one message here. 
        lastReceivedState = message.getInt();

  • Contest Winner


    and the examples are lacking this as well...


    We'll mess around with that for a while...

  • Admin

    Updated doc with the missing sleep call, **wait() **and a new description argument available when presenting sensors.

  • @hek thank you!

    I want to note what you changed order of ack and description arguments here:
    Site documentation uses old argument order.

  • Admin


    Damn.. Changed now and it will be deployed in the next site update.

  • @hek

    Since we are on the subject of ack and risking going a little bit off topic, what should the controler send when it receives a message with a ack flag?

    send -> 3;1;1;1;1;36.0
    receive <-3;1;1;0;1;36.0 ?

  • Just my $0.02...

    Be careful with any while loops that could go on forever under "perfect storm" conditions. It's usually a safe bet that eventually your device will get into a state where comms will fail forever. If you're stuck in a while loop waiting for a successful send then you have no chance to detect or correct the error, and given how tricky it is to debug Arduinos you'll probably never figure out what went wrong. The device will just go silent, and a little while later the batteries will run out (because it's sitting there trying to send over and over). Do yourself a favor and put a fail-safe && retries++ < MAX_RETRIES clause on your while loop.

    This doesn't speak directly to your case, but in a broad sense my assumption going in to any wireless design is that packets will be dropped, so I always design with that constraint in mind, rather than trying to design a system where no drops occur. For example, you might consider adding a "resync" timer that sends the current state regardless of changes every so often. So even if something is dropped you have a bounded amount of time where things are in the wrong state. I do this with my presentations: Every 5 minutes my sensors retransmit all presentation messages just in case the controller missed the first set, or the controller reset, or whatever...

    Handling lossy comms is not usually too hard if you aren't trying to back-engineer that into a system that was designed with the assumption that messages would always succeed.

    Incidentally, this is more or less the same as "UDP" vs "TCP" networking, if you've ever worked in that realm. So strategies would overlap pretty nicely.

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