Does mysensors needs wireless? Can I use ethernet?
Hi all,
I have some standalone arduinos with some attached sensors.
I installed domoticz on a windows server and now I'd like to send data from my arduinos to the domoticz.1)One of those arduino is near the server, and I think that this will be elegible to become the gateway. Have I to connect this one with the usb cable or a ethernet shield ?
- For the other arduino+sensors, is it possible to use the ethernet sheld to make a "mysensor"? Is the wireless mandatory for the mysensors library?
- For the other arduino+sensors, is it possible to use the ethernet sheld to make a "mysensor"? Is the wireless mandatory for the mysensors library?
Hi @grzmrc
Welcome to MySensors!Wireless is not required. Some users use RS485 for example.
MySensors has something called a Gateway. The traditional use of a Gateway is to bridge the low-power world (with rfm/nrf radios and rs485 connections) to the more "computer-friendly" world of TCP/IP or USB/serial port.
The 1.5.x stable version of MySensors does not support connecting local sensors to a Gateway. But in the development version, a Gateway can have local sensors. So a possible solution is to equip all your Arduinos with ethernet shields and make them Gateways. Domoticz support multiple gateways.
Some threads to get you started:
And yes, we should probably have a pinned thread or something on this topic, since a lot of people are asking
Yes, a pinned topic would be nice.