• Hi; I'm a newbie and not sure if this is the right place to discuss my project, but here it is:
    I'm a retired EE/lifelong aviator with an avionics background and have developed a low cost VHF transceiver for the experimental/LightSport/glider aircraft market, but am in no position to move ahead with manufacturing. The project is complete with pcb (including gerbers), schematic, BOM etc. The display/frequency synthesizer are microprocessor-based, with the software tested using an Integrated Development Environment simulator. No boards have been built and a couple of components have to be "built" (e.g., power transformer for the power supply, for example). That is, you can't buy these from a distributor. Further, if the development is successful, it can't be sold or even installed in an aircraft until it's been blessed by the FCC. This requires testing by an approved test lab and is expensive. This is a mixed-signal, 4-layer design (contains both analog RF and digital circuits). There are a couple of competitive units on the market with more features, but higher cost. Sadly, this is a complex situation; you can't put one of these "on the air" legally until it's approved (6 watt transmitter). Now that I've totally discouraged anyone from pursuing this project, I'd like to get to get some feedback from this community. Is there any interest? What would you do with this situation? Just curious to get some more "youthful" opinions.

  • Admin

    Couldn't you partner up with some relevant company in the light sport/glider market? That would open up sales channels and perhaps funding to get the project "off the ground".

    FCC certifications is quite costly so it might be good to think about how to promote it to get a decent production volume.

  • Is the RF circuit homedesign? or is it from a reliable manufacturer? then maybe they have some documents to be used for FCC, but I assume you also must have it certified in example EU? Regulatory approvals are costly... And if you don't have money to throw into the pot, I don't think anyone else would fund it - Well consider crowdfunding...

  • @hek I'm looking into this, but it will take some time to get responses.

  • @bjacobse RF circuit is mine, based on many simulations etc., so I can't fall back on 3rd party designs. Yes, it will have to be certified globally, as much as possible. I've been involved with the approval cycle in the past, so I'm familiar with how this works. I'm too old for financial involvements with other people, so I'll just have to see what "shakes out". I'm "beating the bushes" now for potential manufacturers who may want to procure the design outright. Thanks for your input.

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