Get something that´s working

  • I have been playing with MySensors for almost a year now but still I haven´t got something that is stable.
    At the moment i have a Vera Edge as Controller but i can´t get any gateway that is working for more than a couple of days. I have been building several versions both for Vera and other controllers bit never got something that works well.
    I will soon give up on this but will give it a last try.

    I have been starting from the beginning several times with different versions of the API and different versions of Arduino IDE but the is always some problem.

    Can please somebody tell me wish versions i need that is working today of
    Arduino IDE
    MySensors API
    Other Librarys

    I have been trying to get a Ethernet Gateway to work for a long time but i still only work for 1h to 2 days.
    I´m using following materials:
    Arduino Nano (China version)
    ENC28J60 Ethernet module
    NRF24L01+ and NRF24L01+PA+LNA
    4,7 uF to the NF module.
    External power supply +5V 2A
    Step down from +5v to 3,3v different versions.( Last is LD33V)

    I have a ESP8266 Node MCU that i can use as well but that one not working ether.

    I have several of each part so there is no problem with the parts from the beginning.

    Other parts that i have built is:
    Temp sensors (Both battery and cable)
    Irrigation Controller
    Motions sensors
    Moister sensors

    So please help me so I can be a part of this nice system.

    Kind regards

  • Hardware Contributor

    @pettib - it should be possible to get it stable - I find it very reliable with my ethernet gateway (W5100). Are you sure it isnt any of your hardware thats unstable/not working correctly?

    This is what im using since i build my: 2.0 Ethernet GW.
    I have not had to reboot it once and my forum thread says 2 months.

    Arduino IDE: 1.6.6 (Boards version 1.6.10)
    MySensors API: 2.0.1 development
    Other Librarys: None for the GW, and for the sensors i always use whats found on MySenors github.

  • Thanks for your reply.
    I have tried with several hardware's.
    The only thing i haven´t tried is W5100 because i only have some ENC28J60 modules.
    The problem with API 2.0 is that not all of the projects that i have build are rebuild for 2.0. Example the Irrigation Controller that is found here in the forum from "hek".
    I will give it a try as you describe and hope it will work.
    PS. I have ordered a W5100 to try with but i will take some weeks before delivery.

    Thanks again.

  • Contest Winner

    @pettib It's always hard to try to help somebody with problems like these, when you can't get a physical look of the situation. So I just throw in some things that might be the cause, which you probably already have tried yourself. But just trying to help.

    1. What type of radio's are you using? Might be that you live in a crowded Wifi area. And that can interfere with the NRF radio's. In that case the RFM might be an option to use.
    2. Did you try an Genuino Arduino Uno as a gateway? Could be that your vera just can't deal with the cheap USB chip of the china clones?
    3. Instead of a LDV33 you could try a buck converter. They're really cheap 80 cents a piece on aliexpress.
    4. How do you connect the radio externally? You say that you power them externally, so I'm guessing that you know what you do.
    5. I don't know any thing about Vera. But if it has log files it would be interesting to examine them.
    6. If you have a spare raspberry Pi. You could try Domoticz.
    7. Which part is not working? Is the gateway still working and are the nodes down, the opposite or both.
    8. Just could happen to be that the communication some them fails and in that case, not all nodes come back up in an instance. Would be worth to let the situation for what it is for a couple of days. Just to see if it automatically heals.
    9. Just start with one node which regularly reports values to the gateway.

    Just some thoughts, where I think I would try to search for the root cause. Because rather then trying new things I'm actually always interested in what causes my problems. That way I can see if I can fix that. So far I've only had issues with badly powered nodes (meaning powering everything from the arduino). And some DHT sensors that randomly stop and start reporting their values.

  • Admin

    To simplify things,

    Use a serial gateway with your Vera (make sure to use an arduino with FTDI branded usb-serial module). The ENC-module is pretty crappy. If you want to run ethernet, use w5100.
    Skip the amplified radio, it requires you to know what you're doing when powering it.

  • Some good tip that you guys have give me.
    Most of them i already tried before. I have worked a lot with electronics so I know how to connect the parts i give them the correct power.
    The sensors is working and i can see the transmissions from the nodes to the gateway thru serial monitor. The problem is that both Vera and Domotics are losing connection with gateway. Tried both Serial and Ethernet.
    I read somewhere that Vera dosen´t work so well with serial gateway so they recommend Ethernet. The last hope is that the W5100 will solve my problem.

    Thanks guys.

  • I will also try the software versions that was recommended.

  • Contest Winner

    @pettib not sure about the Vera Edge but my Vera3 with MySensors gateway is running for months without the need for a reset.

    For what it is worth, i'm using :

  • I have now built a new gateway with W5100, Arduino Nano,.
    I got following error, At the first it seams to be ok, but the ip address is showing wrong. I have put in in the sketch:

    0;255;3;0;9;Starting gateway (RNNGA-, 2.0.0)
    0;255;3;0;9;TSM:GW MODE
    0;255;3;0;9;Starting gateway (RNNGA-, 2.0.0)
    0;255;3;0;9;TSM:GW MODE
    0;255;3;0;9;Starting gateway (RNNGA-, 2.0.0)
    0;255;3;0;9;TSM:GW MODE
    0;255;3;0;9;Starting gateway (RNNGA-, 2.0.0)

  • I found the problem with ip address.
    But the serial monitor keeps repeating this message:

    0;255;3;0;9;Starting gateway (RNNGA-, 2.0.0)
    0;255;3;0;9;TSM:GW MODE
    0;255;3;0;9;Starting gateway (RNNGA-, 2.0.0)
    0;255;3;0;9;TSM:GW MODE
    0;255;3;0;9;Starting gateway (RNNGA-, 2.0.0)
    0;255;3;0;9;TSM:GW MODE

  • @pettib It´s working now.
    I got wrong version of Mysensors API
    Now i use 2.01
    The time will tell if it get stable.

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