Damm I am trying to get this working with a Arduino pro mini ,,but no luck wanted to use it in the car ..
How do you wire the NRF24L01+ ???
N-Channel Mosfet s ??? model number please any help much appreciated
I have tried mosfets >>>irf510n
@TON-RIJNAARD You need to select the board based on the bootloader you have flashed. Complile the code in Arduino and try burning the hex file using a programmer (USBasp, AVRISP, etc..) if are facing issues with Arduino.
@Yveaux Thanks for your response. I guess that's it. I have to burn a bootloader first :-). I have a USBasp Programmer for that. Can you point me to a wiring diagram that shows how to connect the programmer to the circuit board?
I recently build successfully a mysensor node based on an Arduino Uno, a Robolink IR sensor and a Robolink DHT11 sensor. The last two from an Elektor sensor kit ever bought for my son when he was still interested by electronics .
My controller is Home Assistant, so I did a merge of the given MySensors example sketch and the Home Assistant example sketch together with the DHT11 sketch.
The airco is a Samsung one, so in the sketch you will find these defines uncommented. Replace by your airco manufacturer.
People interested in building one, can find my sketch on https://github.com/ericvb/MySensorsArduinoSketches
@ToniA a big thanks for the work to decode all these IR sequences!
@bisschopsr I now have the schematics posted for all of my boards. I also posted another board for my in-wall scene controller line. Is there any other pics or information that you think might be useful to others for any of these boards?
Hi @GertSanders,
Do you happen to still have the Eagle project files from version 3 you created and shared on OSH Park? I'd like to add a set of pads for the mini smd version of the NRF24L01. If not, I'll just use the version 2 files from openhardware.io and try my best to recreate the changes you made between them.
Kind regards,
I have published all the documentation in a Github repository. If someone wants to make PCBs, I recommend that you wait a little longer until you receive my PCBs and try them.