Hardware debounce?
I want to use debounce in a sketch that also uses sleep until interrupt witch won´t work with software debounce as I understand.
Is there some way to still be able to this by software or do I have to do it by hardware? I have found some examples where they use capacitators, but how do I know witch size capacitaor I need for a 1000ms debounce for example?
I have a optocoupler connected to Pin3-GND, but I always get two triggers from the optocoupler.
Debouncing can be done in software. A simple solution is to turn off interrups inside the interrupt handler and do delay 1000ms in the main loop before you go to sleep again. That ensures a maximum of 1 interrupt per second.
@mfalkvidd If you happen to have a code example, I'd be much interested.
Attachinterrupt(...) Gw.sleep(SLEEPTIME) Delay(1000)
For something that slow, try a MAX6816... cheap, sot-4 case