How does serial gateway include nodes????

  • I've been with Mysensors for just a 3 weeks. Still I haven't been able to make a sensor work because I've got a "blob version of the NRF24 chip". It just very frustrating that it seems very difficult to find a working NRF24L01+ chip. I've been wondering the whole time the blob version does not work with mysensor. Since the blob version shows communication using the "Gettingstarted.pde" sketch. Anyway, my question is HOW DOES THE SERIAL GATEWAY INCLUDE NODES????

    If I am correct, the GW and nodes will automatically look for each other and connect to each other without any confirmation from the user. Does this mean that if my neigbour also has a Mysensor GW, he or she will be able to pick up my nodes???

    Sorry for the stupid questions

  • Hardware Contributor

    The gateway does not unclude any nodes - the gateway pass the information along to your controller and there you include them. Yes - if your neighbor have a gateway they will be able to pick up your nodes. There are several ongoing discussion about this and other security things.

  • Thanks for quick reply.

    It's clear now. It's ok if just using Mysensors for measurements. It is a whole different story when you use it to switch the light or heaters or even worst for security purpose. You mentioned "there you include them". Does it mean you have to perform some actions like phyiscally press the reset button on the arduino (Sensors or GW)??? or It is fully auto???

  • Hardware Contributor

    It depends on which controller you use.

  • @sundberg84 I am using Domotciz. I think the include process is like once the GW sees some nodes then Go to the Device and click add. If I am correct.

  • Correct. Domoticz adds the sensor nodes automatically.

    Note that you can assign a node id or you can let the gateway assign it. If you chose to assign the node id yourself for your sensor node, don't get confused when you see another node id in domoticz. Domoticz uses another counting system to track the connected nodes.

    Regarding that your neighbor issue. Yes your neigbour can listen and see you nodes. You can control his nodes and he can also. and there is a solution for that. Check the security topic
    [security] Introducing signing support to MySensors
    it talks about how to prevent hacking your network.

    I suggest you to build 2 or 3 nodes for testing and then include security in your design after you become more familiar with the mysensors library.

  • @ahmedadelhosni Awesome. Thanks for the info. It is starting to get clear how things work here 🙂

  • Admin


    If you are concerned about security, and the neighbor being able to control your lights / locks, then you should look into the security thread located here

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