Incoming MQTT Prefix can't have '/' or '-' in it.
i had my MQTT incoming prefix defined as
#define MY_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC_PREFIX "meshx86/ndw/pir_dht/in"
the void receive() function won't be triggered if the MQTT path for incoming messages has '/' or '-' in it, as it would be interpreted as a wrong message maybe ?!
note: i was able to successfully have have in the console message arrived with the above prefix, it is probably the slashes and dashes confuses the MQTTClient gateway
so probably before processing the incomingMQTT, subtract the whole string of the incoming prefix and then start processing.
This PR was merged a few days ago:
great ! glad to find someone thinking the same way
is there a newer release of the lib soon ? or shall i manually download it and install it ?
Yes, a release is coming. But we haven't set any date yet.
Suggest you install it manually.