Donations (Lets help keep the lights on)
In another thread I asked about financially supporting the efforts for the board_development_site that Hek is working on, and it made me think why have I not done so for the MySensors project. I started looking around and what do I find, a Donation Link on the main page..
Not sure if others have noticed (I'm mainly in the forums) this but I thought I would bring it to everyone attention.
If we forget about all the hard work that goes into maintaining the site (which we should never ever do), the actual costs of just keeping the lights on has to be a fair chunk of money every day, month and year.
**So if you are like me and have benefited from this site why not make a small donation to help keep the lights on. I guarantee it will make you feel good
It could also be a better time now for the T-shirt campaign! Combine donating and getting a cool t-shirt..
@Nuubi For a lot of those t-shirt campaigns you need a minimal amount to be "sold". If you do not make it, no donations can be collected. And to order 100's of t-shirts yourself (the more the cheaper) you first need a budget and could be undoable. A Donation button would be the best.
I do agree, a t-shirt donation is always cool!
Thanks @ServiceXp
I have launched a new t-shirt campaign. Perfect x-mas gift for the spouse
@hek Cool!
only two more needed
Yeah! I'll order one for myself.. So basically only one more needed!