Combine a controller and a gateway in a raspberry pi
Hi guys,
I was wondering if it's possible to use a raspberry pi to be both a controller and a gateway at the same time. Specifically thinking of using as the controller.
Has anyone tried this?
I read on the forum there should be a couple of users trying to get it working with, but it is not ready yet
This shield will help you
I do this via Pimatic and Raspberry Pi 3
@alex-boyko that's quite expensive when you can get away with just a couple of dollars
I use a Raspberry 3 that is a MySensors MQTT Gateway, a Domoticz Controller, a Mosquitto Broker and Node-Red. The Raspi has more power than needed. I even had InfluxDB+Grafana on this same Raspberry.
The NRF24L01+ is connected directly to the pins. I have ordered a PCB to mount the NRF, but I haven't found the time to install it.
The PCB:
BTW you can create an arduino gw and plugin via USB. I must do this 'cause I'm using gateway parallel and with stretch i get an error with both over GPIO.