Project submission question

  • I'm new to the site and have 2 projects I'd like to submit, but not sure if they're appropriate:

    • Optical inclinometer: Originally designed for aircraft use, based on the same type of instrument found in all aircraft, which is a curved vial containing a steel ball in a fluid, commonly part of the usual "turn & bank" indicator. My device detects whether or not the ball has deflected from the center by a preset displacement. This can occur due to a static incline, or "tilt", as well as to a "skid" condition during a turn in a car or aircraft, for example. A working prototype exists.
      This is a typical small, simple 2-layer pcb with both SMD and through-components, all of which are easy to install.
    • 760 channel aircraft VHF communication transceiver. This is a 4-layer board, largely double-sided SMD components that's never been built, but available if someone wants to experiment with it. Extensive simulation has been done, but that's about it.
      Any suggestions appreciated.

  • Mod

    I think you can post your projects on as far as you comply with openhardware policy.
    If you are posting the projects to have an open discussion on VHF transmissions, I really don't know if there are people on this forum with knowledge on that matter.

  • Admin

    Hi @stevem, is perfect for posting your open source hardware projects. It's meant to be a generic site for this purpose (even if we reuse some MySensors specific content/articles on

  • @hek Thanks; maybe I'll try the inclinometer project.

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