I have a project going with openhab and thethingbox. I only use Mqtt with a combination of nrf24l01 and esp8266 modules. thethingbox server is simply used as a catch all for all mqtt messages from sensors or openhab. i parse all the message coming into ththingbox and take action depending on the message. If my door or window sensor is tripped a message is sent to Twitter. I also send temp and humidity readings to thingspeak and my cell phone reports long and lat coordinates to thingspeak so that my lights can come on as I approach the house. My next project is to setup ip cameras and motion sensors and sent pics to drop box.
Openhab is really not hard, you just have to keep at it, once you get it you will kick yourself for over complicating it
Understand it might be annoying.. We run the latest version of the notif-plugin mentioned above (0.3.1). So it seems they still have some issues. They had an issue (which is closed) that sound like the things you experience.
I can't seem to find any related user setting in my account either.