As promised, what I found so far: the following dockerfile yeilds a usable cross-compile environment, provided you use it with a Makefile.
FROM ubuntu:xenial
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install --yes \
vim \
build-essential \
RUN git clone
RUN git clone /build
WORKDIR "/build"
CMD ["/usr/bin/make", "CC=/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"
, "HelloWorld"]
# Seems I need a real makefile for the above to work.
For cross compiling mysensors to work, hoever, you also need to properly seed the variable in configure, for it to work correctly. This is where I left off.
Never mind figured it out.
There was a problem somewhere in that sketch. basically started from scratch again. merged the W5100 MQTT client gateway sketch and the relay sketch. then referred to here for serial MQTT syntax.
Hope anyone else thats struggling finds this info useful.
@tsunami My setup is max 50m radius and 433MHz standard power RFM69s so a small 1/4 wave whip works reliably even from a below ground pump chamber 10m away.
Your 915MHz at 200m SHOULD work on 1/4 wave if obstacle free line of sight, but you could try a 2.4GHz Wifi router at one location and use a mobile at the other to test if you can see the router. I can see at least 3 neighbouring routers identified on my mobile from over 40m away through masonry, 10 on the laptop, so it's a simple enough test.
If you can see the router on either, 915MHz should be rock solid with a simple whip and no need of directional antenna.