Although it should not be too difficult to make the MQTT Gateway with WiFi work on hardware and software level it is a bad idea on system level:
WiFi and MySensensor NRF24L01+ use the same 2.4 GHz band and with the antennas close a transmit from one will block the other and vice-versa.
sensor id is not the same as node id.
sensor id = 255 is used for internal stuff like id request and battery level for node. You can assign 0-254 to your own attached sensors (to the arduino node).
Hi @doctor64 ,
How did you solve the battery reporting?
Did you implement the changes in h and cpp file from the link and compiled/uploaded the gateway sketch again?
Understand it might be annoying.. We run the latest version of the notif-plugin mentioned above (0.3.1). So it seems they still have some issues. They had an issue (which is closed) that sound like the things you experience.
I can't seem to find any related user setting in my account either.