Serial communication between Arduino nano and ADC
I wanted to interface analog sensor with Arduino nano using ADC, What is the best way to interface it using serial communication?
How can I adjust the baud-rate of serial communication (suppose if I wanted to send the data at 200Kbps only) ?
Any lead on this will be very helpful
(link modified by moderator to avoid potential promotion attempt. Link now points to original TI component)
@derby-jhon that is I2C interface, it is not serial.
If I have connected analog sensor with I2C based ADC controller is it possible to send the I2C based data converted serially and send to arduino or not ?
If yes then what will be the best way to do ?
The mcu on your arduino, has already I2C built in. I found this project that seems to be using the linked ADC with Arduino. So it could probably give some hints..
@derby-jhon Why are you concerned about sending it serially? Is there a reason you can't use I2C?