Hi @TimO.
I have just installed the new release and I believe I've found a little bug. I am using Serial Gateway with version 1.5.3
At boot up time, I am getting the followinf error:
03:07:52.644 [ERROR] [s.internal.MySensorsBridgeConnection] - Cannot start reading/writing thread, probably sync message (I_VERSION) not received
I have read that this new release, request the gateway for its version so as to prove proper start up.
What I have found is that the binding might be asking for the Gateway version al little too soon.
03:07:50.895 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsWriter] - Sending to MySensors: 0;0;3;0;2;
03:07:50.912 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 0;0;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete.
03:07:52.644 [ERROR] [s.internal.MySensorsBridgeConnection] - Cannot start reading/writing thread, probably sync message (I_VERSION) not received
03:07:52.647 [DEBUG] [col.serial.MySensorsSerialConnection] - Shutting down serial connection!
03:07:52.659 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsWriter] - Stopping Writer thread
03:07:52.661 [WARN ] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsWriter] - Writer thread interrupted
03:07:52.666 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - Stopping Reader thread
I have tested this manually and found that the gateway ONLY answers its version after its startup is finished and the message "0;0;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete." is sent.
When the binding starts, It makes (somehow) the gateway to reboot. So, the gateway runs its setup() method and when it's done, it send the message "0;0;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete"
Let me know if you can reproduce this error. Maybe it's just some problem with my setup, but with the previus version I was having no issues.