The choice of MOSFET can be tricky. Seems that irlz44n was discontinued so you may need to find one adapted to the voltage and current you want to handle.
In all the cases you need to get a logic MOSFET too, meaning that they are fully open usually around 1 to 3V.
Also I'm sort of confused as it seems to me that L7812CV is a Voltage regulator, not a MOSFET. So if you are actually using that in the MOSFET spot it will definitively not work.
Especially if you are handling high current or voltage I would recommend using one from a reputable source for your MOSFET, I recently switched from mouser / digikey / aliexpress to mostly use as you get free regular shipping, event if you order a couple of components (no affiliation to them whatsoever).
I finally received the boards from the manufacturer(big thanks to @Seeed-Fusion). I manage to assemble one board by soldering the components and such WORKS(including OTA)! I will post the instructions on project page.
I think I found the problem. I think it misbehaved because of an illegal character in the "HOSTNAME". Changed the hostname yesterday and It was still alive this morning even if I have not pinged it.
Sorry for the delay first of all, unfortunately I didn't get the notification of this thread If you are using a latching relay I'd recommend using SensorLatchingRelay1Pin or SensorLatchingRelay2Pins which should take better all the aspects of a latching relay. Then you can still use the safeguard for closing the door after a given timeframe. And yes you have to set a reporting interval even if not intuitive at all. This is because the safeguard is checked in the loop cycle which is called only if a reporting interval is set. So if you have a safeguard set to 1 minute, the report interval should be 1 minute or less. Thanks!
Ok, finally I found the Problem.
I changed the prescaler value of Timer0 becuase I needed a higher PWM Frequenciy.
Unfortuneatly this also affects the millis() function that is used in gw.wait.
It turns out taht with the changed TImer 0 Prescaler 1ms was not 1ms anymore but less. So the gw.wait(750) where only 750ms/64 which is not enough for DS18S20 conversion to take place.
I hate to disappoint you @micah but @Mike-Musskopf has got a point:
MQ* sensors are power hungry. You may want to connect everything up to 240V via a small PSU. There is a big thread on mysensors about air quality detection.
DHT is not the best sensor for a battery application. Please check BME280 (pressure, temp and hum) or Si7021 (temp and hum) - these would be my favourite sensors for low power consumption.
Small tip - your Arduino Pros must be 3.3V and not 5V for the battery usage.