Relay Outlet + Button + OpenHab + Tasker + Android Wear = Freaking Awesome!

  • This is my very first fully functional project! Yay!! Most of the credit goes to mysensors and all the amazing people here. I thank you all.
    So, I wanted to control my home appliances/lights with Voice and/or OpenHab rules. I made this relay switch outlet. May not look pretty at all but it surely works with OpenHab and "Ok Google - Turn On Switch" command from my Android phone and Android watch . It also hides behinds the couch, hehe. For right now, I just turns on/off and with commands. I will be setting it up to fully automate with iftt conditions in next few days. 😆

    Note: I have used 2 relay module because thats the one I had for now. Also I'm planning to make both female power outlets to operate separately. 🙂

    Project cost: $7.5 USD including Nano V3.0, Relay, NRF transmitter, power outlet socket, and casing. (Power cable, button, 5.0V charger, AutoVoice, Auto-wear and Tasker not included, I already had them.)

    I searched for cheapest required item on eBay and purchased hem.

    Nano V3.0 = $2.56
    NRF transmitter = $0.97
    Relay module (You may use 1 relay module) = $1.3
    Female powerOutlet socket + blue casing + faceplate = aprx. $3 from Home Depot.
    PowerCable = n/a (used old PC power supply cable.)
    Button = n/a (Already had it.)
    5.0V charger = n/a (Already had it, just use old phone charger)
    Tasker = n/a (Already had it.)
    AutoVoice = n/a (Already had it.)
    AutoWear = n/a (Already had it.)

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    2015-04-22 (2).jpg

    My OpenHab & Tasker

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    Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 11.17.12 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 11.18.50 AM.png

    Hope you liked my project. Please feel free to comment, post any suggests, and questions.


  • I like that you were able to keep all the electronics inside the gang box. I would like to do something similar for my light switches but I not worked out how to power the components via the mains. Stuffing a charger in the box seems like overkill but it is one solution.

    Any other options for powering that node? Any safety issues with having a charge stuffed in a gang box and left inside the drywall?

    Thanks in advance

  • @mikeones I apologize to get back to you so late. You might already have figured out a way but I wanted to let you know that after many days of testing my relay actuator with OpenHab, I'm very happy to tell you that it's working flawless. No issues with the stuffing inside the gand box whatsoever. I have not seen any other option to power the arduino thru 110V - 240V. Using a cellphone charger seems to be common.

    Please let me know if you have any other solution, I would certainly give it a try.


    Edit : gang box

  • @kunall said:

    @mikeones I apologize to get back to you so late. You might already have figured out a way but I wanted to let you know that after many days of testing my relay actuator with OpenHab, I'm very happy to tell you that it's working flawless. No issues with the stuffing inside the gand box whatsoever. I have not seen any other option to power the arduino thru 110V - 240V. Using a cellphone charger seems to be common.

    Please let me know if you have any other solution, I would certainly give it a try.


    Edit : gang box

    Mate, I like what you have done!

    I have a similar set up as you, with the only big difference being that I use Vera 3 and you use Openhab. I also use Autovoice and have that going all the time on a couple spare phones and tablets, and they are always listening. I have named my automation set up, so when I say its name and then a command, it goes and does it. I was using Ok Google, but I wanted to feel more futuristic lol so instead of asking google to do something for me, the 'person' in my home automation does it lol

    Anyways, I actually have a question about your specific example here... I have the exact same relay, but I was never able to get it to work. I see that for this example you were only using one of the relays, which I admit I never tried, but can you share as to whether you have ever got both relays to work? I would love to know, because the stupid thing almost sent me crazy! I have two of them and could never get either of them to work.

  • @kunall , do you have a wiring diagram for this?
    I am having some issues with my relay module (but i think this is to do with it being 3.3v)

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