Vintage bulb
Hi, I just wondering whether vintage bulb is good for home decoration: http://www.*************.com/index.php/blog2.html
Hi, any update here?
maybe you should ask your significant other!
Isn't it a matter of personal taste? Are you intending to MySensorize an Edison bulb?
Maybe you are right, but i just wanna get some ideas from people
Yes... Wonderful idea...never thought of it!
@candylion , is it just me or is the link not working?
i was on the website yesterday,but now the link is broken
I used one of the bulbs in a project I would loosely define as a lamp. It sets in the lab and I keep the dimmer turned down so the filaments just slightly glow. The knife blade switch carries a harmless DC voltage.
@Henkep and @Didi , it seems that they have changed the webpage, it is now here:
cool thing
I saw similar in some cafe
looks nice
just make sure that you have alternative light for lighting )
Yeah, vintage is a kind of beauty for home.
hmm.. a bit weird that fortilighting website, take this blog entry for example
It looks like some kind of food recipe, instead of lamps?
Thomas Edison's original US patent application!
He also invented the stuffed squash... could never monetize it.
Anyone also interested in vintage bulbs here?
Philips LED bulb is also good..
can you share with me your favourite LED bulbs?
Dear @candylion ,
I've had a funny feeling about your account since your first post (an external link to some almost mysensors-unrelated site). Seeing you go on only talking about LED lightning have forced me to lookup your email/ip.
This is what I found: you clearly are a representative of fort-lightling-something you are violating the forum rules.This is your first and final warning. Any more talk about LED lights and you're account will be terminated.
Yeah i was very suspect of this first post too....hence my rather sarcastic post,.....
I dont think they will add any value, so i would just delete their account. ( i also wouldnt have alerted them on how you investigated where they came from)
Perhaps however as a gesture of goodwill candyline would provide mysensors forum users with massive discounts, and send hek a large sample of product to review???
We should all get a sample
I believe so, old-fashioned style LED vintage bulbs with conventional exposed filament look for decorative lighting. You can utilize "vintage style" bulbs for as long as the light fixture and wattage match. I am acutally using one of my vintage bulbs (which I bought from Codale) in our living like an accent light in the corner of the room.