Multiple DH-11 Sensors on the same Arduino Pin?
Looking at the sketches I see that one can use multiple Dallas Temp sensors on the same digital pin by creating an array of sensors. Will the DH-11 work the same way?
The DHT22 spec sheet (a similar device), indicates that you need a single dedicated i/o pin per sensor.
@a-lurker Thanks. The sensor in question is installed in my gun safe and i was trying to avoid an additional node in the room where the safe is located. But I guess that is not to be; another node or a special version with another DH-11?
Node I think.
@clippermiami Just use another pin:) You can connect many sensors to one node.
@jendrush True, just no off-board connector available for it, I'm using a PCB of my design that supported two digital pins off-board.
But I'm looking at reworking the PCB design to eliminate the 3.3 V step-up regulator and allow for a 5 V step-up regulator so I may just redesign with more pin access as well.
@clippermiami Can't you solder this additional cable direct to pin? Redesigning PCB is better solution, but this is little faster:)
Onewire humidity sensors exist. But they are VERY expensive.
In the interim I could just solder on a lead but it isn't an urgent question anyway. I was hoping for the multiple DH-11 solution but if that's not to be then I'll probably just wait the redesign ... :-).
I've been reading some of the other PCB design discussions and they are quite interesting. There are as many solutions as there are people trying to solve them
And some of our compatriots are very very creative
@hek I think I'll save my money toward another rifle
@clippermiami I envy you that you have such easy way to get a gun.
In US you get a rifle with the happy meal, right?
@jendrush Yeah, especially here in Florida, it's just a matter of money, very few rules and complications
@hek not quite but close. Depends on the State you live in ... in Florida it's very uncomplicated, but some States it's worse than pulling teeth.
In Poland it usually tooks months, maybe even a year, and at the end policeman can told you NO without any reasonable couse
@jendrush Most of the Southern states are pretty easy. You do have the Federal background check but unless you are a felon there's no much to do. If you pass the check you pay and leave with the firearm. In Florida there are no local rules, the State rules preempt all local ordinances. The only thing we can't do it's carry a gun openly in public but we're hopeful that will change this year.
Y'know, I think the friendly, collegial and cooperative space here might be well maintained by not focusing on particularly divisive political issues, like gun laws, abortion, immigration, same sex marriage, political parties, etc.
As long as other commenters share your views, it may seem innocuous. But if they start expressing very different views as if everybody shares them, there might be an impedance mismatch leading to disruptive standing waves in the transmission medium.
And no, it would be best not go try to guess my views on firearm laws from this - I'm speaking from many years of online discourse in wonderful and not-so-wonderful venues, not from taking any position about any given political issues. I've just observed what seems to work better and worse in various fora. So you could say I'm speaking more as the engineer than as a political advocate.
@Zeph OK by me. But I would observe that like any conversation in "the real world" it tends to branch out, and this is no exception. And things are only controversial or divisive if we choose to make them so.