Mobile app for nodebb? Or some other way to make the mobile site accessible?

  • Mod

    Is anyone aware of a nodebb app for iOS? Or some other way to make the forum accessible?

    I have tried accessing with my iPhone (Safari and Chrome, even with "request desktop access") but have some problems:

    • It is not possible to see which notifications I have read and which I haven't
    • The topic lists seem to have no way to get to the latest post. Since almost all our threads are very long, reading the latest is quite cumbersome - I need to click the thread, scroll to the bottom (which can take a long time) and then click on the highest page number and again scroll to the bottom.
    • There seems to be no way to start "watching" topics. If I flip my iPad on the side, and click away the annoying banner, I can click watch, but this doesn't work on my iPhone.

    I know these things are not critical, but I've noticed that I don't bother checking the forum if I only have my mobile at hand, so apparently they are annoying enough to prevent me from visiting. Maybe someone is aware of a simple solution to this pain?

  • Admin

    I was thinking of upgrading the forum tonight to the latest. Just need to run some tests first.

    Might fix a few problems.

  • Mod

    Awesome @hek! 2 and 3 are fixed. Will check 1 when I get a notification 🙂

  • Mod

    New notifications are indicated as well. 🎉

  • Admin

    Sounds good.

    I have re-arranged and migrated all the mysensors services from digital ocean to vultr the last few days. Mainly because the backup almost was full. The forum is the last thing to move to the new location with 6 cores and 4xcurrent memory will probably help speeding things up. Hope to be able to do this tonight.

  • Banned

    I need this information for my -Removed by moderator- , so how i can do that?

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