My Ethernet Gateway Board (W5500)

  • Hello everyone!

    Just wanted to share my Ethernet Gateway build. It became pretty neat, I think.


    Connected to my WIFI extender.

    I'm using a Vero PCB Prototyping Board with copper strips. It makes it easier to solder and less cables.
    To cut the copper strips on the Vero board I'm using a 5mm drill bit and my finger tips:
    0_1453583992339_drill bit.jpg

    Example from a Vero Board Project:

    You can buy them for example from here: Ebay

    I'm using a W5500 Ethernet Module instead of W5100.
    A W5500 Ethernet module is more compact, but a little bit more expensive.
    If you'll use a W5500 Module as I do, you need to replace the Arduino Ethernet library first.
    I'm using the following GitHub library from WizNet:
    Use the Arduino IDE 1.5.X branch.
    Replace everything in the original Ethernet Library (Ethernet\src\ directory). If you're using Windows they should be in following directory:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\Ethernet\src
    In the file W5100.h located in \Ethernet\src\utility\ it's preset as a W5500 WizNet chip:

    //#define W5100_ETHERNET_SHIELD // Arduino Ethenret Shield and Compatibles ...
    //#define W5200_ETHERNET_SHIELD // WIZ820io, W5200 Ethernet Shield 
    #define W5500_ETHERNET_SHIELD   // WIZ550io, ioShield series of WIZnet

    For my Vero board design I made the drawing in Excel. It works pretty well for me. 😃
    Have a look at my Excel file attached here:
    0_1453581415262_MySensor Ethernet GW Circuit Board.xlsx

    I'm using an Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V 8MHz.
    The Voltage Regulator used in this design (D24V3F3 3.3V) is from Pololu.
    Please note that the internal Voltage Regulator in the Arduino Pro Mini isn't powerful enough to run the W5500 Ethernet Module.

  • This post is deleted!

  • Mod

    @jpaulin Great work! Very well done.
    You can really tell you took the time to prepare, and that pays out eventually.
    I normally just start with the coarse orientation and then heat up the soldering iron, but the result is never this neat 😉
    Good hints on using the W5500 Btw!

  • @Yveaux Thanks for your feedback. I guess I get too frustrated when it doesn't work in the first try, so I probably add some extra time for preparation. In the end, soldering a module is usually quite fast.

  • Admin

    Got to be the cleanest gateway so far.

    Those straight wires almost make me a bit worried about your health. 🙂

  • Hardware Contributor

    I also like the black box it comes in, very nicely done !

  • @jpaulin I see that you are using the W5500 chipset on your Ethernet module... According to the specs of the W5500 chip, it looks like it has a MAC address. Have you tried to get a DHCP address using the native MAC Address of the W5500?

    I'm considering going with that USR-ES1 as well. I like the small form factor, but I won't waste my time if it doesn't already have a MAC address. Backup plan is the W550io, which supposedly has MAC address embedded. Same chipset.




  • @treborjm87
    I made some tests with the MAC address. As far as I can see there's no MAC address being generated from my W5500 module. With no pre-set MAC address sent the WiFi Router stops working with the gw (Ethernet.begin()). It does work with one of my older routers. My guess is the older router ignores the missing MAC address.

  • @jpaulin

    I am struggling to get the USR-ES1 to work. I am using IDE 1.6.11. (At this point, I am only trying to get the WebServer to work) It looks like all of the libraries are set up correctly, by default, i.e. the #define (#define W5500_ETHERNET_SHIELD) that you mention above is already uncommented. There must be something else that I am missing??? All that I see from the debug window is "server is at"

    Any chance you would allow me to see your code for your gateway?

    Thanks again!


  • Bravo!! that is a great looking gateway.

  • Hardware Contributor


    Nice work. I was thinking to try out the W5500 chip before stumbling across this topic. Were you able to share the SPI port between W5500 and radio module?

  • @mtiutiu
    I'm using MY_SOFTSPI to separate the SPI ports. I've never tried to share the SPI-bus with an NRF24 radio and W5500.

    I've seen Adafruit has released a library named "Ethernet2.h" for the W5500 module. It's a nice alternative, no need to replace the library when switching between a W5100 and W5500 Ethernet module. Haven't tested it, though.

    For an RFM69 gateway that I've built with a W5500 Ethernet module I'm sharing the SPI bus. No SOFTSPI setup is available yet for the RFM69, as far as I know. In the following thread you can see my setup sharing the SPI port between an RFM69 radio and W5500 Ethernet module.
    I saw a major transport rework was released Mar 28 in the development branch with a lot of new stuff. Maybe some solution has been included to share the SPI port Out of the Box?

  • @treborjm87
    Sorry. I missed your chat.
    Here's the code. I'm using the standard W5100 example with mqtt.

     * The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
     * between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
     * The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
     * repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
     * network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
     * Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
     * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
     * Full contributor list:
     * Documentation:
     * Support Forum:
     * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
     * Version 1.0 - Henrik Ekblad
     * The W5100 MQTT gateway sends radio network (or locally attached sensors) data to your MQTT broker.
     * The node also listens to MY_MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX and sends out those messages to the radio network
     * LED purposes:
     * - To use the feature, uncomment WITH_LEDS_BLINKING in MyConfig.h
     * - RX (green) - blink fast on radio message recieved. In inclusion mode will blink fast only on presentation recieved
     * - TX (yellow) - blink fast on radio message transmitted. In inclusion mode will blink slowly
     * - ERR (red) - fast blink on error during transmission error or recieve crc error
     * See for wiring instructions.
     * nRF24L01+  ESP8266
     * VCC        VCC
     * CE         GPIO4
     * CSN/CS     GPIO15
     * SCK        GPIO14
     * MISO       GPIO12
     * MOSI       GPIO13
     * Not all ESP8266 modules have all pins available on their external interface.
     * This code has been tested on an ESP-12 module.
     * The ESP8266 requires a certain pin configuration to download code, and another one to run code:
     * - Connect REST (reset) via 10K pullup resistor to VCC, and via switch to GND ('reset switch')
     * - Connect GPIO15 via 10K pulldown resistor to GND
     * - Connect CH_PD via 10K resistor to VCC
     * - Connect GPIO2 via 10K resistor to VCC
     * - Connect GPIO0 via 10K resistor to VCC, and via switch to GND ('bootload switch')
      * Inclusion mode button:
     * - Connect GPIO5 via switch to GND ('inclusion switch')
     * Hardware SHA204 signing is currently not supported!
     * Make sure to fill in your ssid and WiFi password below for ssid & pass.
    // Enable debug prints to serial monitor
    #define MY_DEBUG
    // Enables and select radio type (if attached)
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    //#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
    // Set this node's subscribe and publish topic prefix
    #define MY_MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC_PREFIX "mygateway1-out"
    #define MY_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC_PREFIX "mygateway1-in"
    // Set MQTT client id
    #define MY_MQTT_CLIENT_ID "mysensors-1"
    // W5100 Ethernet module SPI enable (optional if using a shield/module that manages SPI_EN signal)
    //#define MY_W5100_SPI_EN 4
    // Enable Soft SPI for NRF radio (note different radio wiring is required)
    // The W5100 ethernet module seems to have a hard time co-operate with
    // radio on the same spi bus.
    #if !defined(MY_W5100_SPI_EN) && !defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD)
      #define MY_SOFTSPI
      #define MY_SOFT_SPI_SCK_PIN 14
      #define MY_SOFT_SPI_MISO_PIN 16
      #define MY_SOFT_SPI_MOSI_PIN 15
    // When W5100 is connected we have to move CE/CSN pins for NRF radio
    #ifndef MY_RF24_CE_PIN
      #define MY_RF24_CE_PIN 5
    #ifndef MY_RF24_CS_PIN
      #define MY_RF24_CS_PIN 6
    // Enable these if your MQTT broker requires usenrame/password
    //#define MY_MQTT_USER "username"
    //#define MY_MQTT_PASSWORD "password"
    // Enable MY_IP_ADDRESS here if you want a static ip address (no DHCP)
    #define MY_IP_ADDRESS 192,168,1,72
    // If using static ip you need to define Gateway and Subnet address as well
    #define MY_IP_GATEWAY_ADDRESS 192,168,1,1
    #define MY_IP_SUBNET_ADDRESS 255,255,255,0
    // MQTT broker ip address or url. Define one or the other.
    #define MY_CONTROLLER_IP_ADDRESS 192, 168, 1, 70
    // The MQTT broker port to to open
    #define MY_PORT 1883
    // Enable inclusion mode
    // Enable Inclusion mode button on gateway
    // Set inclusion mode duration (in seconds)
    // Digital pin used for inclusion mode button
    // Set blinking period
    // Flash leds on rx/tx/err
    // Uncomment to override default HW configurations
    //#define MY_DEFAULT_ERR_LED_PIN 16  // Error led pin
    //#define MY_DEFAULT_RX_LED_PIN  16  // Receive led pin
    //#define MY_DEFAULT_TX_LED_PIN  16  // the PCB, on board LED
    #include <Ethernet.h>
    #include <MySensors.h>
    void setup() {
    void presentation() {
      // Present locally attached sensors here
    void loop() {
      // Send locally attached sensors data here

  • @jpaulin

    Thanks for posting the code!

    I had to take a break from the home automation world for a bit. So, it was great timing that you posted. I'm building my MQTT gateway with the w5500. I'm not completely ready to try the rfm69 yet!!!

    Thanks again!!!


  • @jpaulin Looking good. And I mean GOOD

  • @Ed1500
    Appreciate your feedback!
    Here's another of my GW I'm using today, with an RFM69 radio, and with an Anarduino as Arduino CPU. I have both GWs up and running for quite a while without issues. The RFM69 GW has a better RF range, hence my preferred gw for most of my sensors. If you need more details, pls let me know.

  • @jpaulin Thanks, that is good to know. I have the RFM69 HW running with a W5100/Promini. W5100 module needed a bit of a hardware tweak for SPI, but works well. Now I probably would have opted for the 5500 as well.
    I just use it to communicate between two properties at some 500 meter distance, most sensors I use are attached to ESP8266 🙂

    Seems like a rather long Antenna on yr module. What frequency are you on?

  • @Ed1500
    I'm using 433MHz on the RFM69 network.

  • @jpaulin OK, thanks. Just seemed like a rather long antenna in the picture.
    I am using this antenna, with very good results. Better than the 1/4 wavelength whip

  • Mod

    So basically you replaced the w5100 library and that was pretty much it, right? I have a W5500 and want to make a nrf24 gateway + some sensors

  • Hi i have the W5500 with pins and board
    this one
    and Arduino Uno R3
    anything i need to change?

    1. i guess i don't need that 3.3 converter right?
    2. i did the change of \Ethernet\src flashed the board
    3. now i will connect the NRF24 just like you did ? same pins?

    anything else I should change?

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