beta testers required for MyController 0.0.3-alpha1 release

  • Plugin Developer

    Hello everyone, MyController 0.0.3-alpha1 is almost ready to release. As it has huge changes we want beta testers before release.

    Changes summary:

    • brand new Enterprise level GUI
    • Supports multiple gateways
    • Feature added with timers (supports active time, send payload with delay, etc.,)
    • Add simple timer support
    • user friendly logs display and filter
    • user friendly action board
    • brand new dashboard (supports multiple dashboards)
    • Supports groups (scene control)
    • role based authentication (share particular resource to user)
    • and many more

    Currently I'm working on documentation. Kindly let me know if you are interested to test.

  • Plugin Developer

    demo server upgraded to new version of

  • Admin

    Very nice and clean GUI. Good job!

  • I'll beta test.

  • hi

    @mvader said:

    I'll beta test.

    +1 and i want beta test this release

  • very nice update!
    i see demo page and i found one not good moment/
    if i add to the dashboard and click another link? my changes are broken =( and i not see the confirmation dialog about i lost all changes/
    may be you add this confirmation?
    sorry for my english. i am from Russia

  • +1 I want to beta test!

  • Plugin Developer

    @Werwolfx said:

    very nice update!
    i see demo page and i found one not good moment/
    if i add to the dashboard and click another link? my changes are broken =( and i not see the confirmation dialog about i lost all changes/
    may be you add this confirmation?
    sorry for my english. i am from Russia

    Yes, will be good to add confirmation to notify user. will add it thank you!

  • do donators get priority? 🙂

  • Plugin Developer

    @cdr said:

    do donators get priority? 🙂

    Sure, I have PM the link.

  • very nice update!

    short install instructions:
    0)stop old version if installed, backup it
    1)copy this beta to a server
    2)chmod +x bin/ and
    3)open conf/ and edit ip/port settings
    5)open url in your browser, protocol https!
    6)login admin/admin
    7)see buteful interface

    • After change the default admin password, mycontroller not logoff me and i not work in the interface.
      after logoff and logon myself from new password i can use again

    • in Resources-Sensors not sorting for Node EUI. May be you add sorting to click on header table names ?

    • not found RAW message send =( may be you add to dashboard button, in button configuration set raw message, if user press to the button, message send to node. is good functional for release to custom message nodes and one of more steps to mycontroller can smart home system
      May be add a REST API for send RAW message to other NODEs

    where I can post comments / suggestions to use this beta version?

  • On the "Sensors and variables mapping" page.

    The page number controller dosent work, you are only able to see the first page.

    Excellent work

  • Plugin Developer

    @Werwolfx @goranrad Thank you very much to spend time to test

    I will fix the issues reported here as soon as.


    After change the default admin password, mycontroller not logoff me and i not work in the interface.
    after logoff and logon myself from new password i can use again

    I have added fix for this. Once we changed the password will redirect to login page automatically.

    in Resources-Sensors not sorting for Node EUI. May be you add sorting to click on header table names ?

    as per our current design Node EUI not supported for sorting on this page. we may implement it later. we are not going to give sorting option of each tab. in this case it looks bit odd if we put it on table header and nice widget already available with patternfly for sorting. So we are using it separately. in the recent build Node EUI was removed from sorting options.

    not found RAW message send =( may be you add to dashboard button, in button configuration set raw message, if user press to the button, message send to node. is good functional for release to custom message nodes and one of more steps to mycontroller can smart home system
    May be add a REST API for send RAW message to other NODEs

    Yes, I removed, was assuming no one is using it. Sure, I will add it again.

    where I can post comments / suggestions to use this beta version?

    for now we do not have page to give feedback or comments. But for issues kindly use

  • Can i test release 0.0.3 please? 😃

    WOW!! this is really cool stuff!!!
    Got a serial gateway with 2 wireless sensors running,
    Sensor 1:
    -Temperature (DHT22)
    -Lightlevel (DHT22)

    Sensor 2:
    -Temperature (BMP085)
    -Airpressure (BMP085)
    -Outside temperature (with NTC)

    Keep up the good work!!!!

  • Sorry, seems like I broken demo site by entering " ` " in temperature field of sensor 😟

    Now getVariables returns 500 error with message:

    errorMessage:"java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "`""

  • Plugin Developer

    @robosensor said:

    Sorry, seems like I broken demo site by entering " ` " in temperature field of sensor 😟

    Now getVariables returns 500 error with message:

    errorMessage:"java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "`""

    It is not a problem. Thank you to made this. We have to fix this one also 😄

    Thanks again!

  • Plugin Developer

    @jkandasa said:

    @robosensor said:

    Sorry, seems like I broken demo site by entering " ` " in temperature field of sensor 😟

    Now getVariables returns 500 error with message:

    errorMessage:"java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "`""

    It is not a problem. Thank you to made this. We have to fix this one also 😄

    Thanks again!

    Fixed. Yet to implement number validation in front end

  • Please also escape all information that demo user enters 🙂 Just an example: I entered html in forecast sensor data in dashboard and this html is rendered in resources/logs section:

    The same thing in node names in groups:

  • Plugin Developer

    @robosensor said:

    Please also escape all information that demo user enters 🙂 Just an example: I entered html in forecast sensor data in dashboard and this html is rendered in resources/logs section:

    The same thing in node names in groups:

    Thank you! I will fix issues!

  • gui is looking great!,
    have been playing with the software and found the following:

    in resources/nodes, all my nodes (mysensors 15,x) are shown as "down" while they are sending this a setup issue?

    and for the weather forcast only N/A is shown and not the value from the sensor.....

    rest looks great! really like the dashboard feature!

  • Plugin Developer

    @Tag said:

    gui is looking great!,

    Thank you for the report and allocated time to test MyController.

    have been playing with the software and found the following:

    in resources/nodes, all my nodes (mysensors 15,x) are shown as "down" while they are sending this a setup issue?

    MyConttroller was looking I_HEARTBEAT_RESPONSE. From your question I understand that we should make up when we receive any message from node. I will work on it.

    and for the weather forcast only N/A is shown and not the value from the sensor.....

    These are all the weather station mapping icons from



    we have to update this mapping based on our community members feedback.

    rest looks great! really like the dashboard feature!

    Thank you!

  • Hi,

    +1 I want to beta test, (and if you want.. colaborate to translate at lenguage Spanish..)

    Good job!

  • Plugin Developer

    @anarro said:


    +1 I want to beta test, (and if you want.. colaborate to translate at lenguage Spanish..)

    Good job!

    Thank you! Spanish already available. Kindly send request to

  • @jkandasa said:

    sed on our community member

    Just tested the common services script, works like a charm, best thing is, forecast is Sunny!! 🙂

  • Plugin Developer

    Hello every one thank you for your support and feedback on beta test. In another couple of days I'm going to release 0.0.3-alpha1 to public. Kindly report your issues, if you face any. I will try to fix it before release.

    Also update your locale.

    Demo server updated till commit #523.

  • Hi,

    After update (and stop/start) I show this:


    I copied all files and folders..

    sorry, excuse my ignorance..


  • Plugin Developer

    @anarro said:


    After update (and stop/start) I show this:

    I copied all files and folders..

    sorry, excuse my ignorance..


    you have to extract bindle zip file. call mycontroller/bin/ . If you were using old version of server. stop it first.
    Refresh your browser.(clear cache).

  • @jkandasa, I deleted the cache and work fine!!, now let's testing..

    For the next release, how do we do the updates?... first we need save the file "./conf/", and data base file (which)?

    thanks you!!

  • Plugin Developer

    @anarro said:

    @jkandasa, I deleted the cache and work fine!!, now let's testing..

    For the next release, how do we do the updates?... first we need save the file "./conf/", and data base file (which)?

    thanks you!!

    Note: going to support upgrade and restore from 0.0.3-alpha1 version.
    You can take a backup via GUI and keep safe backup file. Extract new release on different location, point out backup up file and do restore. that's it.

  • @jkandasa, This version is awesome !!, his work is spectacular.


  • Hi,

    When I click on "Backup" option its show this:

    Thank you,

  • Plugin Developer

    @anarro said:


    When I click on "Backup" option its show this:

    Thank you,

    Yes, you will face this issue, when server unable to access given backup location.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @jkandasa said:

    @anarro said:


    When I click on "Backup" option its show this:

    Thank you,

    Yes, you will face this issue, when server unable to access given backup location.

    Yes, where this option is set ?, as I fix it?

  • Plugin Developer

    @anarro said:

    @jkandasa said:

    @anarro said:


    When I click on "Backup" option its show this:

    Thank you,

    Yes, you will face this issue, when server unable to access given backup location.

    Yes, where this option is set ?, as I fix it?


  • Hi Sr!,

    I think it would require a button to return to the previous window in the backups, it is possible?, you think the same?


  • Plugin Developer

    @anarro said:

    Hi Sr!,

    I think it would require a button to return to the previous window in the backups, it is possible?, you think the same?


    hi, If you click on backup menu on top. it will take you!

  • @jkandasa,

    Yes, I had seen, but.. I think it was more intuitive (personal opinion.)

  • Plugin Developer

    @anarro said:


    Yes, I had seen, but.. I think it was more intuitive (personal opinion.)

    Thank you for the feedback. Ok I will add Back button.

  • Some typos in English language when adding a widget:
    Do a search on ' grpahica' => 'graphical'

  • Plugin Developer

    @hoegaarden_bier said:

    Some typos in English language when adding a widget:
    Do a search on ' grpahica' => 'graphical'

    Thank you! I will fix this typo.

  • I noticed that when graphing data in dashboard (mixed sensors graph) for sensors that send data at different intervals (eg 1=5min;2=1min) that the graph and the interactive guide line is showing something what I think is the epoch time and the marker dots do not align (only at start of graph).
    Turning off the checkbox ( Use intractive guide line) resolves the issue.

  • @jkandasa

    Also here "Use intractive guide line" => "Use interactive guide line

  • When sensor does not have a 'name' (resources-Sensor-sensor details) ,
    it shows as eg. 'null-Humidity' in the dashboard (mixed sensors graph).

    Maybe just show '-Humidity' ignore the null.

  • Plugin Developer

    @hoegaarden_bier said:

    I noticed that when graphing data in dashboard (mixed sensors graph) for sensors that send data at different intervals (eg 1=5min;2=1min) that the graph and the interactive guide line is showing something what I think is the epoch time and the marker dots do not align (only at start of graph).
    Turning off the checkbox ( Use intractive guide line) resolves the issue.

    Yes, It's known issue with nvd3 chart plugin. For that only I gave an option to disable interactive guide

  • Plugin Developer

    @hoegaarden_bier Thank you for your support!!

  • When trying to uploading a Firmware , I create a version + type , then try to upload a firmware file (eg. BLINK.ino sketch ), I get an error

    2016-03-01 21:43:32,002 ERROR [Acme.Utils.ThreadPool(8)-PooledThread: Acme.Serve.Serve$ServeConnection@5f12cf] [org.mycontroller.standalone.api.jaxrs.exception.mappers.ApplicationExceptionMapper:41] ApplicationException,
    org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ApplicationException: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 1
    	at org.jboss.resteasy.core.MethodInjectorImpl.invoke( ~[mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.jboss.resteasy.core.ResourceMethodInvoker.invokeOnTarget( ~[mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.jboss.resteasy.core.ResourceMethodInvoker.invoke( ~[mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.jboss.resteasy.core.ResourceMethodInvoker.invoke( ~[mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.jboss.resteasy.core.SynchronousDispatcher.invoke( [mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.jboss.resteasy.core.SynchronousDispatcher.invoke( [mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.ServletContainerDispatcher.service( [mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.HttpServletDispatcher.service( [mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.tjws.TJWSServletDispatcher.service( [mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.HttpServletDispatcher.service( [mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( [mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at Acme.Serve.Serve$ServeConnection.runServlet( [mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at Acme.Serve.Serve$ServeConnection.parseRequest( [mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at Acme.Serve.Serve$ [mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at Acme.Utils$ThreadPool$ [mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at [na:1.8.0]
    Caused by: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 1
    	at java.lang.String.substring( ~[na:1.8.0]
    	at org.mycontroller.standalone.mysensors.firmware.FirmwareUtils.getFirmware( ~[mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.mycontroller.standalone.mysensors.firmware.FirmwareUtils.updateFirmwareFromHexString( ~[mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.mycontroller.standalone.mysensors.firmware.FirmwareUtils.createFirmware( ~[mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at org.mycontroller.standalone.api.jaxrs.FirmwareHandler.createFirmware( ~[mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:1.8.0]
    	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.8.0]
    	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.8.0]
    	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[na:1.8.0]
    	at org.jboss.resteasy.core.MethodInjectorImpl.invoke( ~[mycontroller-standalone-0.0.3-alpha1-SNAPSHOT-single.jar:na]
    	... 15 common frames omitted

    This is the way it should work not?

  • Plugin Developer

    @hoegaarden_bier said:

    When trying to uploading a Firmware , I create a version + type , then try to upload a firmware file (eg. BLINK.ino sketch ), I get an error

    This is the way it should work not?

    You should upload .hex file.

  • @jkandasa
    Thx, that works 🙂

  • Question,...
    What makes the status of a NODE (under node details) go down?

  • Plugin Developer


    Have a look at

    node status will be checked based on I_HEARTBEAT_RESPONSE for every 30 minutes by default. If we do not receive with in 30 minutes, will mark that node as down. MyControllor will send _HEARBEAT request to all nodes every 30 minutes once. you can change this 30 minutes as your wish. located at Settings-->System --> Node alive check interval typo 🙂 I will fix it (Noded alive check interval)

  • Hey,
    I'll be adding my defects on github as well 🙂
    Thx for the quick responses, you must be close to my timezone or work very late/early;

  • Plugin Developer

    @hoegaarden_bier said:

    I'll be adding my defects on github as well 🙂
    Thx for the quick responses, you must be close to my timezone or work very late/early; this should not be a bug, it's deleted all the resources log. Will fill with new information once it receives.

  • Question:

    When my sensor node does a 'requestTime', what time (epoch) does it send back?
    Is this UTC, localtime????

  • Plugin Developer

    @hoegaarden_bier said:


    When my sensor node does a 'requestTime', what time (epoch) does it send back?
    Is this UTC, localtime????

    will send local server time with local timezone.

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