IKEA trådfri
Anyone that tried to control IKEA's new family, trådfri?
It is using 2405-2480 MHz, http://www.ikea.com/se/sv/manuals/tradfri-led-ljuskalla-e-lumen__AA-1893572-1_pub.pdf
This is the page with all the products, http://www.ikea.com/se/sv/catalog/categories/departments/living_room/36812/
"trådfri" is Swedish and means "wireless"
Looks interesting.
According to This (unfortunately in Swedish) it uses Zigbee protocol.
I have seen some diskussions about Zigbee on the forum but no actual mysensor support.
@MartinP said:
Zigbee protocol.
More specific Zigbee Light Link (ref https://tweakers.net/nieuws/116079/ikea-begint-in-oktober-verkoop-schakelbare-verlichting-met-zigbee-light-link.html)
The same protocol as Philips Hue uses.
I will check if Domoticz, which is my Controller, can handle this
I recently bought Vera Plus controller and a "trådfri" lamp.
I managed to "successfully" pair the lamp and the Vera Plus controller. And I, once, managed to turn the light off.
I could not get it back on for some reason, but I am sure that someone with some backwards engineering skills can make it happen!
@twids Can you describe how you managed to pair it with the Vera Plus? I have the same setup as you and havent had any sucess getting them to talk to each other at all...
@nikgru I just had them close to each other (~1 meter), had the lamp in "factory default"-settings (turn on/off the lamp 6 times) and activated discovery of generic zigbee-device in my Vera Plus.
It ended up as a light in my Vera and, as I said, I eventually managed to turn the lamp off using the vera controller but it wouldn't turn back on.
@twids Thanks for your response! I tried to add it the same way as you did with no luck. But I will give it a second shoot later today. Which FW version are you running on your Vera Plus? I have 1.7.2138.
@nikgru Same. 1.7.2138
After some testing and "trial-and-error" I finally have got it to work! I have also posted a guide how to do, you can find it here: http://www.automatiserar.se/ikea-lanserar-tradfri-smart-belysning-men-gar-den-att-styra-med-vera-plus/#more-6870
It´s written in Swedish, if some of you are non-swede, try google translate or ask me
@nikgru haha, just found that article and was gonna post it here and tell you to google translate if you dont understand swedish!
But guess I dont have to since, well.. you're the author
@twids hehe, it´s a small world
@nikgru extensive teardown of the lamp (German, but you know how to translate) : https://m.heise.de/make/artikel/Ikea-Tradfri-Das-steckt-im-Smart-Home-aus-dem-Moebelhaus-3597295.html?wt_ref=http%3A%2F%2Fhackaday.com%2Fblog%2F&wt_t=1486396685063