Build a Cheap Z-wave Vibration sensor?
Anyone been able to accomplish this?
Couldnt find anything in the listing.The idea is that i need a vibration sensor for each step on the stairway because i want to attach it to a LED that would light up each step indvidually as they sense motion / vibration.
But yet to find a "cheap" way to do this since prebuild vib sensors are like 50$
Any ideas or tips would be greatly appriciated.
Have been thinking if i could connect multiple vib sensors in a serie into a fibaro universal?
Think that could work?
Why not using MySensors? Using one of these perhaps?
Hello, there are some very cheap accelerometers that should be able to do this job.
Check ADXL345 for example they cost 1$ on a breakout board on aliexpress. You should be able to put a few connected to the same pro mini board so you can manage more than one step and save even more.
@hek said:
Why not using MySensors? Using one of these perhaps?
I've found those to be poor at detecting small vibrations, I doubt they will be reliable to detect someone putting foot on a step.
I haven't tried them myself. Does the piezo variant behave badly as well?
@hek said:
I haven't tried them myself. Does the piezo variant behave badly as well?
Haha interesting, never tried it. I'll order one right now to check, thank you for the link !
how many of those do you think ill be able to fit into one board?
You can use all the free analog pins. In total 8 on AtMega328 (where 4 is easily exposed on a nano-board).
well i better get cracking then
First project of this sort so we will see how it goes.
Also just read up that there is a mysensors plugin for homeseer, thats amazing but does it have to be phyiscally connected to the controller or just same network?
If it supports ethernet gateway then it's on the same network. Else it's serial gateway and you need to be connected with USB