💬 MySensors @Eindhoven Maker Fair 2017 2-3 September
This thread contains comments for the article "MySensors @Eindhoven Maker Fair 2017 2-3 September" posted on MySensors.org.
Hopefully you'll make some pictures or videos for those who can't attend!
That is so nice to hear!! I will definitely go! If you guys need any help with anything just let me know!
This is the weekend things are happening in Eindhoven..
Right now, I'm sitting on the train from Amsterdam to Eindhoven. Looking forward to seeing other MySensors enthusiasts, core members, and just plain people visiting us on the faire.
Btw. if you are in the vicinity of Eindhoven, please consider to come by and pay us a visit. @scalz, @hek, @Yveaux and I are at the Mysensors booth.
I wish I could be there, but it's not really around the corner from here.
@tbowmo no photos yet?
I'm on my way
Photos will be posted soon...
The fair starts today!
We are on our way tot Eindhoven! Very curious about the mysensors booth...
See if I can post some photo's later.
Yes we will be there soon and make some pictures!
Sorry guys, will not be attending. I'm supporting my wife, she has exams to pass this week. Have fun !!! Looking forward to the pictures
We are pretty busy with explaining things to visitors, so pictures will have to wait
@tbowmo what? Isn't everything self-explanatory?
It was very busy indeed!
The booth: http://ibb.co/msz1zF
The showcase: http://ibb.co/fiQ8eFThe childeren loved the dollhouse. Hey google scare me!
Looks fantastic. Great work!
@GertSanders No worries. We talked about your automated chicken Shed and flood control in a basement via GSM node to some other nice Belgium guy.
that was looking for a flood control solution. So you were mentioned.
What dashboard did you use next to the dollhouse?
Hey guys!
Just a quick update on the Eindhoven Maker Faire !
Yesterday we had the first day. @hek, @tbowmo, @scalz, @sincze , @marceltrapman and myself were present at our booth:We had a huge amount of visitors! Many were already familiar with MySensors and we convinced the others to at least have a look a out site
The kids loved the automated dollhouse we have on display!
Today we continue with the second day, so you still have one more change to meet us IRL!Eindhoven Maker Faire
11:00 - 18:00
Klokgebouw 50
5617 AB Eindhoven
The NetherlandsSee you there!
@gohan It's the Node-red gui blocks
When you have the time it should be interesting how you set up that dollhouse as well
Back in the train to home. Unfortunately had to go a bit earlier..
I enjoyed this weekend with you guys, it was so freakin cooool!
When I left the faire, that was fun to hear children in the street saying 'Ok Google. Turn the light on'
@Yveaux is it possible to take a look at the code?
I'm also on my way back to Denmark (in the train to Schiphol now). And like @scalz says, it has been a freaking awesome weekend. Thanks to @yveaux for all the preparation, and letting us do couch surfing in his living room, @scalz for showing off the cool new sensors he is working on, @hek for starting this awesome project, and @marceltrapman and @sincze for helping out both in the booth, but also with sponsoring.
Also a big thank you to all the forum members (both current, and new) that took the time to visit us. It was nice meeting you all.
Now I'm looking forward to get my feet up when I come home, in about 4.5 hours..
@gohan I'll probably do a writeup of the house anywhere soon. Please give me some time to process and recover from the Faire
The chicken shed was not my project, a compatriot did that. Basement flooding is very relevant to me
A couple of hours after the fair and I am still impressed with the response we got.
We all 'hey googled' the h*ll out of the fair and I just hope people remember 'MySensors' better than the dollhouse and 'hey google, scare me'
Although... The dollhouse was the best example of what can be done with MySensors and it attracted more people to our booth than anywhere else!I loved meeting my fellow team members and it was great fun to meet fellow forum members but even more to educate potential new members (young and old).
And now back to business...
Great weekend and event! Thank you all for participating! A special thanks goes to @Yveaux for arranging the awesome dollhouse-experience.
I partecipated to Makers Fair in Eindhoven last weekend and it's where I fell in love with this community. I am quite enthusiastic of such environment where people share their precious know how and manage to make things apparently 'only for few' become accessible for a moltitude.
Thanks to the guys at the desk of the fair to be so friendly and patient especially for ppl like me saturating them with all kind of questions.
I started with a quick overview of the dollhouse node.
Design files and explanation can be found at OH: https://www.openhardware.io/view/475/Dollhouse-wireless-node
Makes me wish I lived in europe. Unfortunately I live in the US and have never seen a maker fair near where I live. I guess I could check sometime if there may be one in Madison, Milwaukee or Chicago. I think it would be so interesting. Would have LOVED to be there for the MySensors booth. Is there any videos posted anywhere?
Great job guys, I saw many interested people.
The setup of the automated doll house was fascinating, also my son loved the sensor house (with the ghost)
Only this, I saw myself in one of taken pictures but unfortunately without the MySensor t-shirt ;-(
We now have a small video collage up on youtube from the faire.
MySensors at Eindhoven Maker Faire 2017 – 03:57
— MySensors
Where do I get a shirt?
@dbemowsk it was a one time batch for the Faire only. Sorry.
@Yveaux Bummer, I kind of like those.
Fantastic booth, congrats for the Dream Team !!!
Today I posted a full write up of the dollhouse. Find it here: https://www.mysensors.org/build/dollhouse
This weekend there is a Maker Faire that is happening in Milwaukee Wisconsin. My wife and I were going to go to this. I had the tickets, car loaded, heading out of town and the transmission blew in our SUV. Had to call a tow truck to get us back to town. I was so looking forward to this as it would have been my first Maker Faire. I guess there is always next time.
Oh man, that sucks especially for the transmission and the ruined day
@gohan It was a 2 day Faire. The 23rd and 24th. It sucks because I was so pumped to go.
I'm sure you were. The legendary reliability of the American transmissions strikes again
@gohan Well, it was an Acura that is mad by Honda, so it wasn't exactly american. The vehicle does have 201,000 miles on it though. You'd never guess from looking at it though.
well, I guess the milage is quite a lot also for a Japanese
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